

In the "Big Bank report", the financial index stocks are adjusted and the passive capital flow is measured (table).

即市頭條 ·  Mar 1, 2021 12:26

According to the CICC report, it lists the consolidation of index components and the calculation of the flow of passive funds:

To buy into the shares:

Share │ accounts for a larger proportion of │ shares in the flow of passive funds.

00960.HK │ 0.6% │ inflow of US $134 million

06862.HK │ 0.6% │ inflow of US $126 million

Alibaba Health Information Technology (00241.HK) │ 0.9% │ inflow of US $193 million


Thank you:

The stock │ adjusts │ funds in the flow of passive funds.

00066.HK │ 0.6%-> 0.7% │ inflow of US $23.8 million

00016.HK │ 1.2%-> 1.3% │ inflow of US $28.2 million

00288.HK │ 0.5% │ inflow of US $8.7 million

00012.HK │ 0.4% │ outflow of US $2.2 million

00101.HK │ 0.4%-> 0.3% │ outflow of US $2.2 million

Changjiang Infrastructure (01038.HK) │ 0.3% │ outflow of US $2.2 million

01113.HK │ 1%-> 0.9% │ outflow of US $19.5 million

00002.HK │ 1.3%-> 1.2% │ outflow of US $21.7 million

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