
伯克希尔哈撒韦前十大持仓股出炉 苹果位列第一 比亚迪第八

格隆滙 ·  Feb 27, 2021 21:23

Greenway, Feb. 27 | Berkshire Hathaway announced that the top ten positions at the end of the fourth quarter of last year were Apple (market capitalization: US$12.4 billion), Bank of America (US$31.3 billion), Coca Cola (market capitalization: US$21.9 billion), American Express (US$18.3 billion), Verizon Communications (US$8.6 billion), Moody's (US$7.16 billion), Bank of America (US$6.9 billion), BYD (market capitalization: US$5.897 billion), Chevron (market capitalization: US$4.96 billion), and Charter Communications (market capitalization: US$4.96 billion), and Charter Communications (Market capitalization: US$4.96 billion) Valued at 3.45 billion dollars).7f80b-1efab21f-b72d-42ab-b2dc-edae536ccda5.png

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