

Apple Inc's first "Wireless portable battery" has been exposed! The tripartite accessory manufacturer smiled: learn from me?

智東西 ·  Feb 21, 2021 08:06

Wisdom (official account: zhidxcom)

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News from Zhidong on February 20, according to ReutersAppleA "magnetic battery pack (Magnetic Battery Pack)" is being developed for iPhone that can attach to the back of the phone and charge it wirelessly.

This product is actually equivalent to a mobile portable battery, but without plugging in, it can be charged wirelessly.

Apple Inc has been developing the project for at least more than a year and plans to launch it within months after the release of the iPhone 12 series, according to people familiar with the matter.

A spokesman for Apple Inc declined to comment, according to Reuters. However, it is said that information about the "battery pack" has been found in the latest iOS 14.5 Beta system.


The adsorption principle of this magnetic charging bag is the same as that of Apple Inc's MagSafe magnetic charging accessories, which are absorbed by a circular magnet built into the back of the iPhone 12 fuselage.

It is reported that the shells of some prototype products are made of white rubber, but the final shape and color are uncertain because they have not yet been released.

It should be noted that this magnetic charging bag only has the charging function and cannot be used as a complete protective case for the mobile phone.

In the internal test, the adsorption force of the MagSafe magnetic system is strong enough to ensure that the charging package is charged in the correct position.

However, due to software problems, iPhone occasionally mistakenly shows that the phone is overheating, which has led to a slowdown in the development of magnetic charging packages.

People familiar with the matter also said that there are still many challenges in the development of the new accessory, and there is a possibility that it will eventually be delayed or "miscarried".

There is reason to worry, because Apple Inc "stumbled" on wireless charging. In 2017, Apple Inc unveiled an AirPower wireless charger, which is said to be able to charge Apple Watch, iPhone and AirPods at the same time.


However, due to the difficulty of solving the fever problem, the product was not released, and Apple Inc cancelled the follow-up plan for the project in 2019, which aborted AirPower.

At present, accessories and wearable devices have become a very important source of income for Apple Inc. In the fourth quarter of 2020, this part of the business brought Apple Inc $13 billion in revenue, accounting for 12% of the total revenue. Of course, this has something to do with the relatively high price of Apple Inc accessories.

There is no doubt that if the magnetic charging bag product falls to the ground, it will become one of Apple Inc's many accessories.

In fact, in addition to Apple Inc's own benefits, the popularity of Apple Inc accessories has also led to the sales of many third-party accessories manufacturers, due to the release of the MagSafe magnetic system, many accessories manufacturers have a new category of accessories to force.

What is more interesting is that, in fact, there are already many "magnetic wireless portable battery" products on the domestic e-commerce platform for sale, and the sales volume is not low.


These wireless portable battery shapes are different, the price is only about 100 yuan, compared with Apple Inc's own "thousands of yuan" MagSafe charger, obviously has no small attraction.


Even the promotional pictures of some products are somewhat "fruity". At first glance, they may even be mistaken for an "official" version.


Obviously, the smell of three-party accessories manufacturers is also very keen, Apple Inc, you need to speed up the progress.

According to reports, in addition to the magnetic wireless charging bag, Apple Inc also discussed the possibility of letting more mobile devices, such as watches, mobile phones and headphones, charge each other, but they do not think this function will be easy to achieve in a short period of time.

People familiar with the matter also revealed that Apple Inc plans to apply MagSafe technology to this year's new MacBook Pro and MacBook Air.

It seems that Apple Inc is determined to bet on wireless charging.

Source: Reuters

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