

新浪財經 ·  Jan 26, 2021 20:21

  Xiaopeng Motors rose more than 2% before the market, and the Xiaopeng P7 ushered in the latest OTA upgrade; plans to launch the third Xiaopeng car this year

  Xiaopeng Motor said that today, the Xiaopeng P7 received the most powerful OTA upgrade in Xiaopeng Motor's history. xMartos version number is 2.5.0.

  According to reports, this upgrade covers various modules such as automatic assisted driving, full-scene voice, music cockpit, application ecology, and user vehicle usage settings. More than 40 new functions have been added, and more than 200 user experience optimizations have been achieved. The long-awaited NGP automatic navigation assisted driving (public beta) will also be open to users, and the OTA will be officially launched in batches at 20:00 p.m. on January 26.

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