

XPeng Inc.: plans to launch Xiaopeng's third car this year

富途資訊 ·  Jan 26, 2021 11:06  · Executive Talks

Editor / Fortune Information Zoe

Futu News on January 26th, Gu Hongdi, president of XPeng Inc., said in an interview with the media that he plans to launch Xiaopeng's third car this year, with delivery in the fourth quarter at the earliest.

In addition, he said that Xiaopeng noted the shortage of chips, but was not affected. It also points out that most of the competition lies in the technology side, not the original equipment manufacturers.

At the end of 2020, the crisis of lack of "core" swept more than half of the auto circle, and Volkswagen Group was the first to admit that there was a cut-off supply of chips. The outage is mainly due to a shortage of ECU modules in ESP (Electronic Stability Program system) and ECO (Intelligent engine Control system) produced by the two major automotive Tier 1 suppliers, Continental and Bosch.

Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Federation, believes that the phenomenon of lack of "core" will not be alleviated until the first and second quarters of 2021, while it will be completely eliminated until the fourth quarter of 2021. The chip is the most critical component to realize the functions of self-driving, power and transmission, on-board entertainment and so on.

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