

How to check the financial data of listed companies

富途資訊 ·  Feb 20, 2021 23:28  · 富途财学堂

Access to the company's financial database is divided into three types: non-krypton gold, krypton gold and ultimate krypton gold.

1. No krypton gold: snowball, flush, Oriental Fortune, Sina Finance and other series (Abach + US stocks are available)

Snowball, more suitable for beginners, the interface is relatively simple, the content needed by the subject has been basically covered on the snowball:


For a more complex analysis, snowball also jumps to a flush:


Oriental Wealth and flush function is similar, the function is relatively rich, many indicators need to be found in different index pages.

Say a few more words about US stock data.Domestic financial websites can basically look up the historical data of US stocks for a period of time, many foreign websites need the function of krypton gold, flush and oriental wealth can be found.

You can take a look at the krypton gold density of Yahoo Finance:


Gurufocus also needs krypton gold.


Feel the wealth of the East:


By contrast, foreign websites of US stock data, of course, many ratio (ratio) and multiple (valuation indicators) are paid to view, and download and export. Domestic websites need to be calculated and downloaded by themselves, which is a trade-off.

twoKrypton gold: Wande, great wisdom, flush

Chinese websites follow the consistent style of the Chinese Internet, rarely charge for public data, but as professional researchers need:

  • More complex indicators

  • Longer historical data

  • Custom analysis

  • Multivariate and cross analysis

  • Multi-stock, multi-bond (multi-target) data package and download

  • More comprehensive macro data

  • Drawing tool


The database function of krypton gold is still very necessary. If you don't want krypton gold, in theory, the data of all listed companies are disclosed in annual reports, and all statistics statistics are available. You can go to the annual reports of listed companies one by one or go to the official website of the Bureau of Statistics.

If you are only investing in stocks in your spare time or are not particularly interested in fundamental analysis, I suggest you go to the financial website to find it yourself and do the math yourself.

In addition, there are many kinds of data in these professional data terminals, and non-professionals are easy to misuse them. Give a little advice to Krypton gold friend.:There is room for the face price (magazine price) of these software, and they also support multiple devices.

threeUltimate krypton gold: Bloomberg

Bloomberg is known as the Maserati of the analyst tool, the McLaren of data software, and the Lamborghini in the information terminal. In addition to all the functions above, I will tell you the following things:

  • I have tried it myself. When I watch American baseball games in China, the score changes faster in Bloomberg than in live broadcast. Some people who are sitting in the office browsing Bloomberg are not necessarily looking at the data, but may be browsing the NBA score.

  • Look where the typhoon is, see where there is an earthquake.

  • Be able to buy luxury goods

  • Can do transactions between users like salted fish, but these people who use bloomberg will certainly sell something very strange.

  • Looking for a restaurant

  • What kind of data do you need? call customer service at any time. They will help you find it.


Friends who have seen a lot of Chinese websites have to adapt to the interface. The data is really complete, for most people, only what you can't think of, nothing they don't have. One year is not cheap. At that time, we had only one machine on one floor, with a fee of more than NT $100,000 a year.

There are many databases to choose from, and different databases are suitable for different people for more people's reference.

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