

2020 US stock inventory! 7 pictures to review a frenzied year for US stocks

富途資訊 ·  Jan 4, 2021 18:22  · Exclusive


The new year has begun, and the extraordinary 2020 US stock market has officially ended!

Looking back on the past year, US stocks rose sharply. After a dark period in March, U. S. stocks advanced by leaps and bounds and hit new highs. The shorting and vigilance of Wall Street has not shaken the hearts of investors pouring into the stock market.

The data show that the Dow is up 7.25%, the Nasdaq is up 43.64%, and the S & P 500 is up 16.26%.

Let's take a brief inventory together with the editor.

1. 2020 US stocks rose by TOP 10.

Note: the market capitalization of the selected stocks is more than HK $10 billion.

As soon as NIO Inc. rode off the dust, he ranked first in the rise of US stocks with an increase of 11 times. Tesla, Inc., the number one brother of the new energy car, is not bad, with an annual increase of more than 700%.

Technology stock zoom and pharmaceuticals stock Moderna Inc, which benefited from the epidemic and their share prices soared, also rose by about 400 per cent.


2. 2020 US stocks fell by TOP 10.

Note: the market capitalization of the selected stocks is more than HK $10 billion.

On the other hand, cruise stocks, oil stocks and aviation stocks have experienced a difficult year. Carnival cruise ships and Western Oil are all down 57%, while United Airlines and Lemo Air are down 50% and 45% respectively.

Wells Fargo & Co, whose "performance" is too poor and full of difficulties, not only lost 40% of his share price, but also was sold off crazily by Buffett.


3. 2020 US-listed stocks rose by TOP 20.

NIO Inc., a new car-building force with a ferocious rise, ranked first among Chinese stocks with an annual increase of 1112%.

Pinduoduo, who "700m people are using it", has an annual increase of 370 per cent, while Bilibili Inc. and Futu Holdings Limited ranked third and fourth with increases of 360 per cent and 343 per cent respectively.


4. List of ups and downs of US stock industry plate in 2020

In 2020, the biggest increase was in the bull-stock information technology sector, while the health care sector ranked fourth with a 16 per cent increase.

In contrast, the performance of the financial sector, real estate sector and energy sector is melancholy.


5. 2020 US stocks have the highest market capitalization TOP 10

FAAMG, the tech giant of Tieda, has won the throne of top5 in the total market capitalization of US stocks.

"Houlang" Tesla, Inc. is also in hot pursuit, and his current market capitalization is second only to Facebook. BABA ranks seventh with a market capitalization of $629.4 billion.


6. 2020 US shares have the highest turnover TOP 10

Technology stocks are still popular with investors. Technology stocks account for the majority of US stock turnover in top 10.

Tesla, Inc., the star stock that has long dominated the top search headlines in the stock market, ranks first in US stocks with an annual turnover of 1 trillion more than Apple Inc.


7. 2020 US stocks retracted maximum TOP 10

In 2020, those who have been repeatedly shorted have retracted by as much as 60%.

And Western Oil, Carnival Cruise, United Airlines and other "epidemic victims" also withdrew more than 50%.


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