

银保监会 ·  Dec 31, 2020 13:53

Original title: Qingdao Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau's approval of Qin Yan's qualifications Source: Qingdao

Qingyin Insurance and Supervisory Review [2020] No. 590

Haier Finance Company:

Your company has received “Haier Group Finance Co., Ltd.'s Application for the Qualification of Vice Chairman Qin Yan” (Haicaiji (2020) No. 72). According to relevant regulations, after review, Qin Yan met the qualifications of directors and senior managers of banking financial institutions and approved his qualifications as vice chairman of Haier Finance Company.

Your company should copy the appointment documents and report the appointment status to our bureau within 3 months from the date of approval. If the copy is overdue or the proposed person does not arrive, this approval will automatically expire.

This over and over again.

December 28, 2020

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