

Financial community dialogue with Xie Yunjiao: Financial managers must maintain the red line and understand corporate strategy

金融界 ·  Dec 23, 2020 13:07

Original title: China Finance Online Co Ltd Dialogue Xie Yunjiao: financial managers should keep the red line and understand corporate strategy source: China Finance Online Co Ltd website

China Finance Online Co Ltd website newsOn December 16, 2020, the 11th China International Financial leaders' Annual meeting and China International Financial leaders' person of the year and China's Top Ten Capital Operation TOPCFO Awards ceremony, sponsored by the China Enterprise Financial Evaluation expert Committee as the guidance unit and the China CFO Development Center, was held in Beijing. During the forum, China Finance Online Co Ltd had a dialogue with Xie Yunjiao, secretary of the board of directors and chief financial officer of Jack Sewing Machine Co., Ltd., on issues such as the mathematical transformation of financial management, the reform and innovation of financial management in the post-epidemic era, and the integration of industry and wealth.

[guest profile]

Xie Yunjiao, a senior accountant, is currently Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Board and Chief Financial Officer of the Financial Management Department of Jack Sewing Machine Co., Ltd., Italy VI.BE.MAC. S.p.A. Director. With nearly 20 years of work experience, accumulated rich experience in financial management, not only set up Jack sharesStandardize the global financial management system of operation, at the same time continuously optimize the information construction to guide and promote business process simplification and efficiency improvement, but also participated in the successful listing of the company's IPO, is also the company's main members of a number of investment M & A projects, the whole process to participate in domestic M & An investment negotiations, agreement terms revision, fund raising, architecture design and other pre-investment work, as well as post-acquisition integrated management standards Based on the capital market, give full play to the advantages of capital, and effectively enhance the value of the financial sector.

The following is a transcript of the conversation:

China Finance Online Co Ltd:As an enterprise financial manager, how do you use digital technology to promote the reform of enterprise financial system?

Xie Yunjiao:At present, Jack's financial management system, marketing system and procurement management have been fully applied to the information system to achieve digital management. In this information system, from the purchasing side to the sales side, our customers can directly connect to our side of the system to place orders through his system, and we can also timely and accurately see the customer orders in the system. At the same time, through this system, we connect not only the purchasing side, but also the sales side, which promotes our decision-making more accurately.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:In the process of the transformation of enterprise financial intelligence, how do you think it should be matched and integrated with corporate strategy, corporate culture, financial culture and so on?

Xie Yunjiao:At present, Jack is not only carrying out digital transformation in the financial system, it can be said that Jack is carrying out digital transformation in terms of management system, products and even business model. Through digital software, we realize the output of financial data, operating data and even business data, and gain insight into the needs and changes of customers and the market through the data, so as to provide valuable reference for decision-making. We are also thinking about how to move from providing equipment to providing services or providing overall solutions in the future, a process that needs to be supported by digital intelligence.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:The intelligent transformation of financial numbers is an important trend in the development of financial work in the future. What challenges and opportunities do you think this will bring to financial management?

Xie Yunjiao:First of all, I think one of the biggest challenges is the financial staff's ability to understand and apply business, process, corporate strategy and digitalization. With the development of financial intelligence, a large number of basic financial management work has been gradually intelligent robots.Instead, financial management will undergo essential changes and gradually transform to operational finance and strategic finance. With the development of high-level financial management and the elimination of low-level financial management, how to quickly integrate into business, into business, with strategic vision, business thinking, pioneering expansion of financial management work is not only an opportunity for financial management work but also a great challenge, we need to constantly improve ourselves and integrate into business development thinking.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:In the face of the sudden epidemic "Black Swan", it is an unprecedented challenge for any enterprise. Please talk about the challenges faced by your enterprise in financial management and the financial crisis brought about by the epidemic. What measures have been taken and what changes have been made? What's the effect?

Xie Yunjiao:For Jack, our overseas market was hit to a certain extent during the epidemic. In particular, the outbreak of the epidemic in the first quarter of this year has a great impact on our sales revenue. For this reason, Jack called an emergency meeting to discuss the countermeasures to deal with the crisis. At that time, we were mainly faced with the problem that the delay in sales payback on distribution might lead to a shortage of funds in the company. therefore, we need to consider whether the supplier payment should be adjusted or not, as well as whether Jack's R & D investment, plant investment, expenses and so on should be adjusted. Of course, finally, according to the calculation, considering that the company's own capital supply is relatively sufficient, and the bank also has a better guarantee, so in addition to strictly controlling the short-term expenses, for long-term investment such as R & D expenditure, plant construction, long-term cooperation supplier payment and so on, the original policy will remain unchanged to ensure the long-term development of our company. At present, the measures taken for supplier payment policy support, R & D investment and plant investment are very correct, because the economy and industry have ushered in a new round of recovery.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:In the post-epidemic era, how do you think the financial management of enterprises can be more efficient in order to improve their ability to deal with risks?

Xie Yunjiao:Every change is actually a reshuffle of the industry, and for Jack, each change heralds new opportunities. In the post-epidemic era, Jack has mainly taken the following measures to promote performance growth through finance: first, match the company's strategy, find the right market positioning, and use financial and financial means to promote distribution. For a long time, Jack's market has been positioned as the middle market, and in the post-epidemic era, we will continue to develop the mid-and high-end market and expand the market share according to the company's strategy; at the same time, the expansion of the market will also help our dealers to achieve commercial value, and will eventually promote Jack's development. Second, increase investment in R & D and pay attention to long-term returns. Third, strengthen cost control and make use of digital technology to improve management efficiency.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:Financial managers wander among the various stakeholders of the enterprise and coordinate external relations. There is a view that CFOs are increasingly seen as managers of long-term value by key stakeholders. How do you think financial managers can achieve the best corporate value?

Xie Yunjiao:I think the most important thing is that financial managers should correct their position, make their bottom line clear, and try their best to maximize the interests of all parties on this basis. In this way, the value created for enterprises and stakeholders is of long-term value.

China Finance Online Co Ltd:From your point of view, what qualities do you think a good financial staff should possess?

Xie Yunjiao:Financial personnel not only need to master basic financial knowledge and financial skills, but also need to understand business, process, talent management, strategy, strategic vision and business and management thinking. Only by understanding the business and the company's strategy can we accurately do a good job in financial output and create greater value. For example, the integration of industry and wealth, we need to look at the business from the financial point of view, and look at the financial from the perspective of business. Only in this way can we really achieve the integration of industry and wealth to improve the performance of enterprises.

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