

Goldman Sachs Group CEO: the frenzy caused by the influx of retail investors into IPO is worrying

新浪财经 ·  Dec 16, 2020 01:39

Goldman Sachs GroupDavid Solomon, chairman and chief executive, said on Tuesday that he was concerned about strong demand from retail investors for recent initial public offerings (IPO).

"I do think we are in a moment of excitement. I'm personally worried about this, Solomon said. "in the long run, I don't think it's healthy. I think this situation will regain its balance as usual as time goes by. "

Last week, the food delivery platform DoorDashSolomon made the comments after the launch of Airbnb, a short-term booking platform. The shares of both companies rose sharply on the first day of IPO.

DoorDash closed up more than 85% on its first trading day last Wednesday, Goldman Sachs Group and JPMorgan Chase & CoIs the lead underwriter of its IPO. The next day, Airbnb soared by more than 112%, Morgan Stanley.And Goldman Sachs Group are its lead underwriters.

"I think they are all great businesses, but it is clear that the market is pricing at the perfect execution price and has achieved huge growth over a long period of time," Solomon said.

Solomon is not the only one worried about the price movements of newly listed companies on the first day. On Friday, financial media mogul Jim Cramer criticized investment banks for not properly considering "new groups" such as young investors when pricing new shares. "I don't want to say that the market is broken, but our process of doing these transactions must be broken."

Cramer says retail investors' participation in IPO reminds him of the dotcom bubble in the early 2000s. Solomon also mentioned that era of the market but said there was a significant difference between now and then.

"if you wanted to buy stocks at that time, you had to open a brokerage account and you had to sign the documents directly. Technology can make this process much easier and expand investor participation. " He said.

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