

The CEO of Microsoft reiterated that the future will focus on creating games and supporting Xbox

砍柴网 ·  Dec 3, 2020 13:05

Since the advent of Xbox in 2001Microsoft CorpIt has always been one of the three major platforms in the game industry. Since then, their strategy has changed a lot, focusing more on subscriptions and services, while expanding beyond dedicated devices.


At the recent annual shareholders' meeting, Microsoft Corp CEO Satyanadella was asked about the situation of the Xbox department and Microsoft Corp's view of the future game business. Nadella made it very clear that Microsoft Corp will still focus on supporting Xbox and games. He pointed out that the recent acquisition of Zenimax/ B and the successful sale of the next-generation host Xbox Series XampS are examples of how Microsoft Corp has concentrated a lot of resources for Xbox.

Microsoft Corp CEO Satyanadella said: "first of all, we are very excited about the launch of the next-generation host Xbox Series Xantha S. We've been working to make sure that our player community can rely on us to produce the best consoles and have a new generation of consoles that are powerful and, you know, new consoles are really great for gameplay. We support this next-generation console with the best content and the best community.

But our broader vision is to ensure that 3 billion gamers can play the games they want anywhere, what they want and who they want to play with, and that's the strategy we're developing. You have seen that our content portfolio has doubled in the process of acquiring ZeniMax.


You can see that we have made progress in the efforts of the community, and we have provided subscription services through Xbox Game Pass. That's all we can expect. We are absolutely very focused on games and ensure that 3 billion gamers around the world have access to the best content, the best communities and the best cloud services to move their gaming experience forward. "

[source: 3DMGAME official number]

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