
期权异动 | 新能源汽车疾速狂飙,行人路在何方?

Change in options | New energy vehicles are raging fast, where is the pedestrian path?

富途资讯 ·  Nov 24, 2020 21:05  · Exclusive


Us Stock Intelligence Agent | Eli, Tommy

This article summarizes the latest large order changes in the option market for you.

By monitoring these market data, investors can use this often neglected information and formulate investment strategies.

Crazy, exciting, exhausted, this is the 23rd another "individual stocks send money" market the best three descriptions. I believe that many novice friends have not experienced such a market environment, the stock market novice is generally used to pay attention to a handful of hot companies with large market capitalization and witness the market bull bear during the period when the stock market stabilizes and rises.

In the past, we have witnessed the growing environment of American stocks for more than a decade, and at that time, the intelligence king himself also had a feeling of eternal bliss. But now the intelligence chief thinks that the cow is still there, but it is compressed in a very small time dimension. Because the current trend of several futures indices is relatively peaceful, there are surging undercurrents under the market.

In addition to withdrawing technology into the cyclical targets of "economic restart" (including emerging markets), there is also a high turnover rate of liquidity and a short-term trend of extreme speculation (which has not happened since the influx of energy concepts in 1999). The small trend is following its own market, so friends participating in the market do not have to rack their brains to predict the trend of the market. It is only emotion that drives the market. If the mood is exhausted and the market participants leave the market one day, it is time for us to stop.

Strategy tip

In view of the expansion of the small trend (starting with new energy and finally expanding to different sectors), we can continue to focus on the large market capitalization of technology (FANG, etc.) or high growth targets, and try to find entry points at pullbacks and lows. The entry point is as important as how to find such stocks, especially in the overall plate rotation trend environment.

Second, the concept of "economic restart" is your best risk aversion. In this way, even if you misjudge or suffer losses in short-term speculation, at least the trend is on your side.

In addition, the intelligence chief believes that this stock change is likely to last until next month's Fed meeting, which is also the time for market institutions to adjust their positions at the end of the year. However, we also have Fed events this week to be vigilant, according to the private "Federal Reserve 48-hour curse" that the market may experience a certain sell, while dynamic stocks are likely to remain strong.

Finally, the intelligence chief hopes that everyone will pay more attention to institutional changes, because these funds are the best criteria for our team to measure market risk preference. At the same time, exercise restraint and rationality. Good luck!

Changes in ETF options in the market on November 23

Trading volume in the options market reached 36.2 million contracts on Monday, 14 per cent higher than the recent average, with subscriptions slightly higher than the sell volume (19:10). Trading volume of ETF products and individual stocks is relatively high, while futures index products are relatively moderate.




Changes in individual stock options in various sectors on November 23

The most active plates includeEnergy Index ETF-SPDR (XLE.US) $$basic material ETF-SPDR (XLB.US) $Industrial Index ETF-SPDR (XLI.US) $Public Utilities Index ETF-SPDR (XLU.US) $$The Communication Services Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLC.US) $(communication) the plate is relatively calm.

Of the 3634 stocks with only listed options, 2494 (69 per cent) closed up and 932 (26 per cent) closed down. Among the 500 stocks with the highest liquidity, 189 have higher implied volatility and 273 have lower implied volatility on the 30th. The major changes in individual stocks occur in:$Palantir Technologies (PLTR.US) $, $XPeng Inc. (XPEV.US) $, $Prager Energy (PLUG.US) $, $Macy's (M.US) $, $fuel cell energy (FCEL.US) $

Science and technology stock


Industrial stock


Cyclical consumer stock


Financial stocks


Communications Unit


Medical and Health Unit


Energy stocks


Real estate stock


Building Materials Unit


Defensive consumer stock


Public utilities unit


The option tool is flexible and easy to use, and it is considered to be the most perfect trading tool in the financial market so far. small funds can quickly accumulate wealth through accurate judgment using non-linear leverage. large funds can achieve stable returns through the comprehensive application of multiple strategies across bull-bear and shock markets. But we also need to see the buyer's risk of options (ordinary investors are careful to be sellers of options, with limited returns and unlimited losses):

1. Nonlinear huge leverage will suffer huge losses if it is faced with going in the wrong direction.

2. Volatility drops, and the other side may lose money.

3. The state of mind is easy to be out of balance with big fluctuations.

4. Time is the enemy of option buyer.

5. Stock thinking is serious. Stock thinking is just want to do long, will not short, fall more want to bottom, trap, ignore and so on rebound, and even some people add positions to lower costs, the result is deeper and deeper to zero. If you don't change your mind, it's dangerous to make options.

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The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Although we strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, and originality of all such content, we cannot guarantee it.
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