

Jack Ma once said in an interview: I already know my own ending.

腾讯新闻 ·  Nov 23, 2020 19:36

Original title: Jack Ma once said in an interview: I already know the source of my ending: Tencent News

"Jack Ma finally fell off the altar!"

At present, many netizens and self-media on the Internet in China are currently targeting Ant Group.Almost one-sided comments after the listing was "urgently stopped" by regulators, state regulators began strict regulation of Internet finance, and then antitrust measures aimed at e-commerce platforms were not allowed to force merchants to choose between the two, causing Jack Ma's price and Alibaba Group's share price to plummet.


If you look at it from this point of view, Jack Ma really seems to have fallen off the altar.

We all know that Jack Ma is a very charismatic businessman, and is very good at giving speeches. He has a lot of "fantastic ideas" for the industry for the future, and many listeners and audiences are very useful through the charm of language. Ma Yun's "high EQ" was once jokingly called "Ma big bluff" by some people.


But to be fair, judging from the nearly 20 years since Alibaba started his business, did Jack Ma really fool everyone? As early as at the beginning of his business, Jack Ma claimed that he wanted to enter the field of e-commerce and turn the company into a "great company" in the world. At that time, the main sales model of our country was still the traditional offline store operation mode, and the Internet was not yet fully popular, and those successful business leaders were very strange to this "new retail" field which depended on the Internet. And also very not optimistic about Ma Yun's model can be successful.


But the final result we all see, Ma Yun's Alibaba Group's Taobao not only did not call it the front wave that was slapped to death in the wave of Internet entrepreneurship, but drove away the ebay of the United States to become the largest e-commerce platform in the country. Today, it has not changed the position of the number one in this industry.

Jack Ma's vision for the future is far from the only blockbuster product Taobao.

After Alibaba Group became bigger and stronger, Jack Ma saw the bottleneck of enterprise development. Although Taobao has been very successful, it is only a platform after all, and there is no real core technology in hand, so Jack Ma began to promote the transformation of the company from a simple e-commerce company to a real technology company. for this reason, we have also made a lot of money from Silicon Valley and other high-tech talent gathering places to tap a group of talents with special talents in cloud computing.


And just like when he founded Alibaba and Taobao, what Jack Ma wanted to do computing was ridiculed by Tencent, Sohu and other bigwigs who also belonged to the Internet field. They laughed at Jack Ma for not knowing how to play cloud computing well. And the progress of cloud computing that has been invested in Alibaba for nearly a decade is very slow. But Jack Ma is not discouraged and firmly believes that his own company will be able to transform in the field of science and technology, and once again become a high-tech company that attracts worldwide attention.

Later results proved that Jack Ma was right. The successful birth of the "Ali Yun" server broke the doubts of the world leaders about Jack Ma. Ali Yun not only helped China Railway Corporation solve the stubborn problem that the network ticket server was too rubbish, but also won the largest number of business orders for cloud computing services in Asia. Today, Jack Ma's Ali Yun has become the first cloud computing service center in Asia.


Although Jack Ma says that he doesn't know anything, he actually has a strategic vision for his observation and grasp of the future. Take the traditional manufacturing industry as an example. Ma Yun, a businessman who started on the Internet, does not understand the twists and turns of the manufacturing industry, but Ma Yun is keenly aware of the upgrading of the manufacturing industry in the future with the help of big data, such as the Internet and cloud computing. And put forward the concept of "new manufacturing".


Without exception, Jack Ma's "out of line" speech once again attracted criticism from leaders in the industry. As a representative of the traditional manufacturing industry, the descendant Zong Qinghou directly and publicly blasted Jack Ma as a "big hoax." how can an Internet player bring a new manufacturing industry to society?


But the final result is still a slap in the face. According to big data's analysis, Ma Yun's "Rhino Factory" can accurately analyze the most popular products through the national consumer goods sales data and predict the popular styles that may be produced in the future, so that the traditional manufacturing industry is no longer engaged in design, but to carry out the research and development and production of its own products according to scientific predictions. It avoids the long-term malpractice that no one is interested in the backlog of new products. Zong Qinghou, who initially blasted Jack Ma, also had to turn to Jack Ma to help design and develop new products through the scientific analysis of the rhino factory.


There are many such cases, which is why Ma Yun is called an outlier in China's business field by Wu Xiaobo. Judging from Ma Yun's entrepreneurial history over the past few decades, Ma Yun has never played his cards according to the routine and has been able to succeed.

So what does Jack Ma think of himself?


Ma Yun once said in an interview: I already know my own ending.

In fact, Jack Ma has always been very clear about his understanding of Alibaba. He said more than once in public that the success of Alibaba, the success of Ali Yun, etc., is not how good he is personally, nor how great Alibaba's team is, but it takes up a lot of opportunity and luck. Although Alibaba was founded in the beginning, he really wanted to make Alibaba a great company in the world. But also regret that Ali did too big, if only a medium-sized company itself would be much easier, and the subsequent success is quite accidental.


Regret making Ali too big? Jack Ma once said he already knew his ending. Ma Yun's remarks are not a polite remark of self-deprecation, but really reflect the fact that the cruel competition and treacherous situation in the commercial market can not only make a unicorn company stand up quickly, but also make it lose quickly, and even the founder himself will be on the brink of "crime".


Throughout the business history of our country, business leaders such as Hu Xueyan, Huang Guangyu and Mou Zhong are all in jail because of the fierce market competition and the exploration of the future business model. So when Jack Ma was pushing Alipay as a third-party payment platform, he once told the employees of Alibaba Group, "Don't worry about it. At the end of the day, I'll go to jail, but if we miss this wave, we will probably die in the future!"

That's why Jack Ma said, "tomorrow is beautiful, but most people die before dawn."


So now in the face of the fate of the ant group and its own fall from the altar, is Jack Ma really "gone with the wind"? I'm afraid not. With Ma Yun's ideological consciousness, he actually made psychological preparations a long time ago. He knows very well what kind of fate and responsibility he will bear in the exploration of business in the future. Alibaba, Ant Group and Jack Ma will face what kind of future, now no one can say, maybe Jack Ma knows, but we can only guess.


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