

The Huaxia Bank App still needs to make further efforts: several major interactive experiences have their own shortcomings

新浪财经 ·  Nov 12, 2020 19:02

The financial evaluation room integrates the four dimensions of user experience, product function, performance safety, innovation and development. 238 subdivision indicators scan Huaxia Bank Mobile Bank APP "Huaxia Bank", and finally give 75.00 points.

Compared with last year's evaluation, Huaxia Bank version 5.0 APP reconstructed the overall structure, and the user experience has been greatly improved. However, the interactive experiences of search, customer service and news have their own shortcomings, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. In addition, some function points such as adding bank cards still need to be improved.

Compared with last year's evaluation, Huaxia Bank version 5.0 APP reconstructed the overall structure, and the user experience has been greatly improved. However, the interactive experiences of search, customer service and news have their own shortcomings, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. In addition, some function points such as adding bank cards still need to be improved.

User experience (29.20 / 40): a big improvement over last year, but several major interactive experiences still need to be improved

Huaxia Bank APP self-service registration process is clear, new users verify the mobile phone number, set the login password to complete the registration. After the registration is successful, it is prompted to add a bank card, and users without a bank card can apply for an electronic card, which realizes the separation of registration and binding. It is worth mentioning that the relevant tips are relatively clear, but also support OCR identification ID card and bank card information.

Huaxia Bank APP supports mobile phone number / ID card / bank card login, and can also switch user login. APP supports quick login methods such as facial scanning, fingerprints and gestures, and it is easy to switch. If you forget your password, you can retrieve it online. If you log in to APP on an unbound device, you need to perform security verification.

Compared with last year, Huaxia Bank APP has undergone a major revision, the bottom sidebar is divided into "Bank, Investment, Life and me" four major channels, and placed in the middle of the "payment code", more clear and easy to understand. Specifically, the "home page" of APP is "navigation, fixed top function, head map, common function, promotion map, product and feature business recommendation" from top to bottom. Among them, the four functions of Guding are: money transfer, Credit Card Repayment, payment and bank card; the common functional areas use the "911" ten grid mode, users can click the "all" button to view / search all functions, you can also set the home page function, and the setting logic is relatively clear: users can set 4-9 function keys, or you can drag to adjust the order. However, the functional icon design is not particularly refreshing.

In terms of search interaction, Huaxia Bank APP has a search entry in the three major channels of "Bank, Investment and Life": supports the search for functions and common questions, and the search results are relatively clear, but does not support the search for products for the time being; the keyword fuzzy search matches well, but it can still be more refined (for example, "living payment" can find the results, but the subordinate function "Mobile Phone Top-Up Service" can not find the results) Users with no search results, or are not satisfied with the search results, can link up with online customer service, but can not replace the search term.

It is worth mentioning that Huaxia Bank APP "search" supports voice input, but occasionally does not respond in the actual measurement. In addition, click on the "robot" avatar to enter the voice assistant: voice recognition, dialogue ability, support for secondary editing, voice transfer and other instructions can be completed, but it is a bit of a pity that you cannot choose to turn off the robot voice (the robot can only jump after reading it).

In terms of customer service interaction, Huaxia Bank APP has an "online customer service" entrance in the "home page, my" channel, loan application and other operations. The upper right corner of "online customer service" prompts "telephone customer service". Users can make a phone call with one click; support text / voice input, also support uploading pictures, and do not support browsing recent chat records. The logic of intelligent customer service needs to be improved: it is not helpful / helpful for → to answer →, and "no help" does not prompt the transfer of artificial customer service. It is worth noting that intelligent customer service gives the operation path (but cannot jump directly), but recommends 5 related questions at the same time. This interactive setting is easy to increase communication barriers, and the industry rarely uses this strategy. In addition, users enter "transfer labor" between 8:00 and 21:00 to transfer to manual customer service.

In terms of news interaction, Huaxia Bank APP has a "message center" entrance, which integrates account moving notices, bank announcements, investment and financial management messages, and so on. APP will prompt users with pop-up windows for every transaction. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement: first, there is not enough valid information for each transaction in the account moving notice, so that we can not see the counterparty and other key information, nor can we click on it to view the message; second, it is recommended to increase the permission of users to make relevant settings. The "message" that users want to see is the message, and what they do not want to see is interruptions. In addition, the Financial Calendar needs to be manually added before it can be reminded.

In terms of user management, Huaxia Bank APP can manage login password, transaction password, ID card update, occupation, address and other personal information maintenance, but does not support tax information maintenance for the time being. In addition, APP only supports logout for users who have not added a bank card.

Compared with last year's evaluation, Huaxia Bank version 5.0 APP has a "quality" improvement, users can quickly find common operations such as money transfer, code scanning and payment, and the overall interaction has been greatly improved, but there is still room for improvement: first, Huaxia Bank APP "home page" abandoned "account audit / account inquiry" and set up "bank card" function instead, but compared with the same industry. Users need "bank card → card → check assets" to check the assets in a single card, which lengthens the user's journey from the "home page" to inquire about "how much money the bank card has". Although users can see the current balance of a card under "my" channel "assets and liabilities", for this high-frequency demand, it is also necessary to arrive quickly on the "home page".

Second, the APP part of Huaxia Bank prompts the rear. Take the risk capacity assessment of the fund as an example, if the user catches up with the "system liquidation" during the evaluation, APP does not prompt at the beginning, but after the user has finished 12 questions, which is not friendly. Third, part of the interaction has bug, and in the case of "online customer service", it fails to send a message; iphoneX adds a bank card to get the verification code and the keyboard is blocked.

Overall, Huaxia Bank APP upgraded from version 4.0 to version 5.0, the user experience has a "quality" improvement, but several major interactive experiences have their own shortcomings, there is still a lot of room for improvement. In addition, some interactive settings need to be improved.

Product function (26.80 / 35): add card and other functions still need to be improved

APP users of Huaxia Bank support adding / deleting bank cards, querying the assets and transaction details of a single card, querying / copying card numbers, and managing accounts such as one-button binding / quick payment management, reporting loss and locking. Among them, the input and output items of "income and expenditure details" are OK, but there is a lack of key information such as counterparties. It is supported to screen the details within 2 years by card / month, but not by transaction type / counterparty, etc.

It is worth noting that the function of adding bank cards in APP needs to be improved: users do not automatically prompt for all bank cards when they choose to add bank cards in the "Bank Card"-no credit cards will be prompted, but they will be prompted to add in the "Credit Card" section. It is a common practice in the industry to first prompt users how many cards they have in the bank, and then let users choose whether to add them or not.

For the commonly used transfer and remittance function, Huaxia Bank APP has been revised and optimized this year. Users can click "transfer" to enter the transfer function page, support bank account / mobile phone number transfer, and can also view all recipients and query transfer records / electronic return forms. Unlike its peers, APP places the recent payee horizontally in the form of a card, and the user clicks to a person and enters the transfer amount to complete the transfer. The disadvantage is that the horizontal slide is not as fast as the list. In addition, transfer records only support screening by bank card.

In terms of quick transfer, APP supports fast money transfer for recent payees, can open "SMS-free verification code" for payees, and also supports "copy card number and APP induced transfer" and so on.

Huaxia Bank APP has an "investment" channel, and the home page model adopts the "4x1" five-grid model, but there is no total position / income at the top. Users can click "more" to view all investment categories, including deposits, financial management, funds, wealth treasures, insurance, precious metals, bank securities trading, Longying Zhi Investment and other major investment lines, as well as private banking, asset transfer, commemorative coin booking services.

Specifically, financial management, funds, insurance and other major types of investment still adopt the "supermarket" model, but the "shopping guide" is not sufficient, mainly relying on users to screen by type, rate of return / financial period / initial purchase amount, or directly search for single products, there is still a gap with the same industry. The variety of products is relatively rich, the bank financial order only the product details display is OK, the fund, the insurance policy only the product display is general. However, "night market finance" and "weekend shopping" are still more attractive.

In terms of deposits, APP of Huaxia Bank has carried out systematic construction on the "supermarket" model, providing time deposits such as large certificates of deposit and structured deposits, as well as special deposits such as Weekly Weekly / Annual Music, as well as etiquette certificates of deposit and foreign currency investment. However, transfers such as large certificates of deposit are still under construction. In terms of loans, Huaxia Bank APP launched Huaxia e-loan, Jingying credit loan, car loan and other personal loans, as well as loan inquiries and prepayments.

Credit card, Huaxia Bank APP has a "credit card" module, the upper right corner of the link credit card customer service, functional construction is perfect. Users can directly see the arrears, amount, etc., can audit repayment, application card / activation, etc., can also view points and exchange, as well as credit card mall.

In terms of living services, Huaxia Bank APP has built the "Life" channel, which provides various living payments such as Mobile Phone Top-Up Service, water, electricity and gas, and has built special areas for leisure and entertainment-- providing all kinds of recharge for audio-visual members; and special areas such as e-community, medical and health care, travel, shopping malls, etc., but the speed of connecting to third parties is slow, and some pages may report errors.

In addition, Huaxia Bank provides scanning, payment code / collection code, transaction details and other payment services, as well as electronic medical insurance card, card-free withdrawal, network inquiry and other services (but there is a gap with the same industry). Temporarily does not provide deposit certificate opening, transaction pipeline export and other services.

Performance security (12.50 / 15):

Performance security mainly examines four parts: basic security measures setting, privacy protection, APP artificial penetration analysis and performance testing.

In terms of security settings, Huaxia Bank APP has an independent security keyboard, which automatically exits when logging in after a timeout. You can query the recent login log or unbind the device, but the anti-screenshot and screenshot settings still need to be improved.

In terms of privacy protection, Huaxia Bank APP opened the explicit privacy policy for the first time, and the privacy policy is written separately. According to the compliance report provided by Ai encryption, the technical support of Sina Financial Evaluation Room, Huaxia Bank APP has some non-compliance items in 3 major and 10 small tests.

In terms of security testing, the artificial penetration report provided by Ai encryption, the technical support of Sina Financial Evaluation Room, shows that the overall performance of Huaxia Bank APP is excellent, and there are no risk points in 12 loopholes in 7 categories of vulnerabilities.

In terms of performance testing, data provided by "CFCA", technical support of Sina Financial Evaluation Room, show that Huaxia Bank APP in starting the market, memory consumption and other indicators are worse than the industry average, and the average page response of the three pages of audit, money transfer and financial management is also lower than the industry average.

Development and innovation (6.5 / 10):

The semi-annual report of Huaxia Bank pointed out that the construction of mobile finance should be strengthened to meet the demand for online services. Create a "five good" mobile banking App that is "so fast, easy to use, good-looking, affordable and fun". Personal mobile banking and enterprise mobile banking will reshape 113 business processes to speed up the process of "the last kilometer" of business online. Start the top-level design of digital ecology, start to build an open and intelligent digital financial ecosystem, actively explore digital operations, set up a digital operation team of mobile banks, and increase data value mining.

If compared with last year's evaluation, Huaxia Bank APP new version has a "qualitative" change, whether it is the user experience or product features, have been greatly improved. At the same time, electronic health insurance cards, etiquette certificates of deposit, weekend financial management and other special services are also launched. However, if compared with advanced peers, Huaxia Bank APP still needs to be improved and polished to do fine user experience granularity.

In the construction of Wechat Bank, Huaxia Bank's WeChat account is divided into three sections: "Happy Finance", "Micro Services" and "Happy Life", which support account binding and online customer service, among which "Micro Service → more Services" provides a general service window. However, there is still no online WeChat Mini Programs service.

(the test version is ios5.0.6 version, Android version, performance test data is provided by CFCA, privacy and security test data is provided by Ai encryption, and the evaluation deadline is November 10, 2020)

This year is the seventh year of the establishment of Sina Financial Evaluation Office. Over the past seven years, we have participated in and witnessed every step in the development of bank APP! In the past three months, the Financial Evaluation Room has integrated the four dimensions of user experience, product function, performance security and innovation development, combined with the new trend of bank APP development, further improved the evaluation standards, introduced a number of strategic partners to provide professional and technical support, and persisted in multiple rounds of evaluation, such as initial test, re-test and cross-evaluation, to conduct a full scan of the APP of 23 mobile banks.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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