
美联邦航空局审查接近结束之际 更多波音737 Max订单被取消

More Boeing 737 Max orders cancelled as FAA review nears its end

新浪财经 ·  Nov 11, 2020 01:03

BoeingThe company reported Tuesday that orders for more troubled 737 Max aircraft were cancelled as the FAA review neared the “finish line.”

Boeing is currently facing the double crisis of grounding the 737 Max and the COVID-19 pandemic. The company said its customers cancelled orders for 12 737 Max units in October and the company had no new orders that month. Including aircraft removed from its official backlog, its unfulfilled orders were reduced from 4,325 last month to 4,275.

After the two Boeing 737 Max crashes killed 346 people and the aircraft was grounded in March last year, the US Federal Aviation Administration's assessment of the changes made to the Boeing is coming to an end.

FAA Director Steve Dickson said in a statement late Monday that the review will end “in the next few days.” The process is expected to be completed by mid-November.

“Even though we are close to completing the audit, I will only lift the grounding order once our safety experts are satisfied that the aircraft has met the certification standards,” Dickson said.

American Airlines has scheduled the 737 Max to begin commercial flights at the end of December. This is the first American airline that purchased this model to resume flights.

Boeing also said the company delivered 13 aircraft to customers in October.

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