
暴风退退市整理期结束 明日将在深交所摘牌

The delisting period ends and will be delisted on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange tomorrow.

格隆汇 ·  Nov 9, 2020 18:02

Gronghui November 9 | Storm retreat (300431.SZ) announced that the company's stock entered the delisting period on September 21, 2020, and has been traded for 30 trading days up to November 9, 2020, and the delisting period has ended.

The company's shares have been terminated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and will be delisted by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on November 10, 2020.

The company is communicating with Shen Wan Hongyuan on signing a service agreement, and the company will hire an agent as soon as possible. The company will make a separate announcement on the procedures and specific arrangements for the confirmation, registration and trusteeship of the company's shares after the termination of listing.

If the company's shares have been transferred out of the Shenzhen Stock General Standard, and if the Shenzhen Stock Tong investors do not sell their company shares during the delisting period, they may not be able to transfer them after entering the stock conversion system.

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