
暴风退截至11月6日已交易28个交易日 剩余2个交易日

The storm receded as of November 6, 28 trading days and 2 remaining trading days.

格隆汇 ·  Nov 5, 2020 20:09

Gronghui November 5 | Storm retreat (300431.SZ) announced that the company's shares have been terminated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company's shares will enter the delisting period on September 21, 2020, and will be delisted after 30 trading days. As of November 6, 2020, there have been 28 trading days, with 2 remaining trading days. Investors are respectfully invited to invest carefully and pay attention to the risks.

According to the notice on the stock trading system arrangement of gem risk warning stocks and delisting period, the price of the company's shares is limited to 20% during the delisting period.

During the delisting period, the company will not plan or carry out major asset restructuring.

According to the relevant provisions of Article 2 of the measures for the re-listing of delisted companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (revised in 2018), the gem of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange does not accept applications for re-listing of the company's shares, so after the company's shares are delisted, will not be able to re-list on the gem.

The stock of the company belongs to the special securities of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Investors in Shenzhen Stock Exchange can choose to sell their shares during the delisting period, but they are not allowed to buy the shares of the company. After the company's stock terminates its listing and enters the stock conversion system, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange investors may not be able to transfer the shares. Please pay attention to the investment risk.

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