
国仪量子新品填补国内多项空白 获高瓴资本领投

The new Guogi Quantum product filled many gaps in China and won the lead from Gao Lin Capital

证券时报 ·  Nov 1, 2020 12:47

On October 31, Guoyi Quantum (Hefei) Technology Co., Ltd. (“Guoyi Quantum”) held the 2020 new product launch conference in Hefei. It solemnly unveiled 4 new products in the self-developed electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer series, which strongly promoted the autonomy and control of high-end scientific instruments in the field of quantum measurement.

Born out of a scientific research team led by Academician Du Jiangfeng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it was born out of quantum fertilizer. Guoyi Quantum was founded in December 2016 to empower industry applications with quantum precision measurement technology.

It is worth mentioning that less than 4 years after its establishment, Guoyi Quantum won the favor of capital with innovative technology at the source. In December 2018, Guoyi Quantum launched a round of financing, led by iFLYTEK of HKUST. Investors include HKUST Guochuang and Kexun Venture Capital. According to the relevant person in charge of Guoyi Quantum, the company has recently launched a new round of financing, led by “value investment mogul” Gao Lin Capital. Currently, related matters are continuing to advance.

According to reports, the company's commercial pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers, all-digital scanning electron microscopes, diamond quantum computing teaching machines, and quantum measurement and control series products have left the laboratory and achieved demonstration applications in the fields of petroleum exploration, life science, advanced materials, power grids, etc., covering nearly 100 customers including Tsinghua University and Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital.

Among the new products released this time, the EPR200-plus upgraded X-band electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer surpassed key performance indicators. The EPR200M desktop electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, the EPR-W900 W-band electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, and the CVTI-CF Series of the liquid-free helium-free temperature system were all commercialized for the first time in China. This is another major breakthrough in the field of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in China after Guogi Quantum released the first commercial “pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer” in China in 2018, filling in many major breakthroughs in the field of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) blank .

He Yu, co-founder and CEO of Guoyi Quantum, said that at present, China's high-end scientific instrument industry is facing the pain of being “stuck in the neck” monopolized by international giants. In response to the “high core technology threshold and fragmented solutions” characteristics of scientific instruments, Guogi Quantum will not be afraid of losses and continue to increase investment in R&D; at the same time, it insists on troubleshooting innovation and user orientation to continuously improve product accuracy with a craftsman spirit. According to the data, Guoyi Quantum has more than 150 R&D personnel, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of employees. The annual R&D investment exceeds 60 million yuan. Sales are expected to exceed 100 million yuan this year.

On October 16, during the 24th group study at the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to fully understand the importance and urgency of promoting the development of quantum technology, strengthen the strategic planning and system layout of quantum technology development, grasp major trends, and play pioneering chess.

Being at the technological forefront of quantum technology, Guoyi Quantum said it will persist in innovation-driven development, accelerate the deep integration of industry, education and research, and continue to advance the industrialization process so that quantum scientific and technological achievements can better serve the country, people, and market.

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