

Ant Hong Kong stock has arrived, all relevant options and futures contract arrangements have arrived, and it is also expected that they will be included in the index

富途资讯 ·  Oct 30, 2020 20:52  · Insights

The Ant Group's Hong Kong shares will be listed next Thursday, November 5, and the HKEx has launched options and futures contracts.

On the day of listing, options contracts and futures contracts can be traded, and securities can also be shorted.

According to the announcement of the HKEx today, if the relevant shares are successfully listed, the new stock futures contract and stock option contract will start trading on the same day, that is, Thursday, November 5, 2020 (the starting trading date).

Both stock futures contracts and stock options contracts buy and sell 1000 shares, with a minimum price volatility of HK $0.01. the months include November, December and January, March and June of 2021.

(can be stamped to view details:HKEx launches stock options of Ant Group Co., Ltd. PDF)

On the same day of listing, Ant Group will also be included in the list of approved short selling designated securities.

The largest IPO in history is expected to be included in the index.

Hang Seng Index Limited announced today

A new rapid inclusion mechanism has been added to the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, allowing large newly listed companies to be included in the index in advance outside the regular review cycle.

If the total market capitalization of a newly listed large mainland enterprise is among the top 10 stocks in the existing Hang Seng China Enterprises Index after the closing of the first trading day, the new stock will be added to the index after the closing of the 10th trading day after listing.

According to the existing index rules, there is also a rapid inclusion mechanism for the Hang Seng Technology Index and the Hang Seng Composite Index.

Source: Hang Seng Index Company

According to the joint column "Ant IPO Sets Off $3 Trillion Scramble Among Small Investors" of Futu Securities and the Wall Street Journal, Ant Group is the largest IPO in history, raising about US $34.4 billion, with a total market capitalization of about HK $2.43 trillion at the time of listing, and is expected to become the third most valuable Hong Kong stock after BABA and Tencent.

So, according to the above latest rules,Ant Group is expected to be included in the Hang Seng Technology Index and Hang Seng Composite Index as soon as November 18.

In addition, FTSE Russell posted a message on the official websiteAccording to estimates, ant H shares are expected to account for 0.2762% of the FTSE Russell emerging markets index.FTSE Russell previously said that according to the index compilation rules, H shares of Ant Group are expected to enter the FTSE Russell Global Index via the fast lane, including the FTSE Russell Global all Market capitalization Index, the FTSE Russell emerging Markets Index, and so on. The details have yet to be confirmed by FTSE Russell based on the first day of trading.

What is the impact of ant listing on BABA's stock price?

Ant Group closed its subscription on Friday, and according to media reports, the total number of subscribers and frozen funds set a record in Hong Kong. Forto Securities announced that it had recorded a margin subscription of 31.78 billion yuan, with a total subscription of 48.1 billion yuan, making it the largest number of new shares subscribed and subscribed in the history of Fortune, involving 206000 customers. According to this estimate, the average customer subscribed for nearly 58 lots.


Ants are so hot, what will be the impact on BABA's stock price after listing?

Some market analysts expect Ant Group to record an increase of 10% to 20% on the first day. According to this, BABA holds a stake in Ant Group.In theory, about 10 per cent per liter of ants can push up BABA's share price by about 1 per cent.

Specifically, BABA currently has a market capitalization of $818.5 billion, and the listing of ants is valued at about $310 billion. Based on BABA's 33 per cent stake in ants, BABA's stake in ants is worth about $100 billion, or 12 per cent of BABA's market capitalization. Inferred from this, for every 12 per cent rise in the Ant Group's share price, BABA's share price rises by 1 per cent. If ants rise by 20 per cent on the first day, BABA's share price could rise by about 1.6 per cent.

Edit / IrisW

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