
特朗普“神操作”:曾借7亿不还 反向银行索赔30亿

新浪财经 ·  Oct 28, 2020 09:52

According to recent news, Trump has been exempted from loans worth 287 million US dollars by banks since 2010. This money will usually be counted as taxable income, but Trump has basically not paid any taxes.

Trump has loaned more than $700 million to Deutsche Bank and Fortress Investment Group (Fortress Investment Group) to build the 92-story Trump International Tower in Chicago. The building was built in 2008 just as the global financial crisis broke out. In the “Great Recession” that followed, many of the multi-million dollar apartments in the building faced slow sales.

After the loan matured, Trump refused to repay it. Instead, he sued Deutsche Bank's “predatory loan behavior” in court and sought $3 billion in damages.

Banks are aware of Trump's reputation for litigating and publicly inciting controversy; they chose to negotiate a settlement agreement that would cancel Trump's $270 million debt.

Forgiven debts are counted as income in most cases, yet Trump has taken advantage of the huge losses of his entire business empire to avoid paying most of the taxes on these forgiven loans.

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