
参议院周六召开会议讨论巴雷特的提名 周一将确认结果

新浪财经 ·  Oct 25, 2020 02:35

The procedural voting will take place on Sunday, with final confirmation on Monday.

On Saturday afternoon Eastern Time, the Senate will hold a rare meeting to debate the appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Days later, voters will decide whether Republicans will continue to control the Senate and the White House.

Democrats strongly oppose Barrett's appointment so close to the election and boycotted the vote in the judiciary committee on Thursday. New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer took four delaying tactics at the Senate meeting on Friday, including forcing a brief closed-door session.

Republicans, who hold the power and the majority votes, will face more protests from Democrats this weekend, but remain optimistic that they will secure the 51 votes needed to confirm Barrett's election in the final vote on Monday.

"The main reason we're here is to give Democrats the opportunity to continue protesting," said South Dakota Republican Senator John Thune, "Yesterday we went through a series of procedural votes. They're trying to do everything they can to delay or block her nomination."

"We're getting ready for the vote tomorrow at one o'clock. This is what we call the final vote. This is a procedural vote. As long as we have every Republican here, we'll win the election and have the final vote on Judge Barrett's nomination on Monday night."

"We're getting ready for the vote tomorrow at one o'clock. This is what we call the final vote. This is a procedural vote. As long as we have every Republican here, we'll win the election and have the final vote on Judge Barrett's nomination on Monday night."

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