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新浪科技 ·  Oct 19, 2020 14:47

10/19, 2020WeiboThe Super Celebrity Festival officially kicks off. Exciting events such as the V Influence Summit Forum and the Super Red Honors Party and online awards will continue to be staged. An audiovisual feast for celebrities and all fans will be presented brilliantly.

As the first platform for the incubation and growth of celebrities, Weibo is continuously consolidating the advantages of the content ecosystem and consolidating the competitiveness of social media. According to the latest data, as of August of this year, the number of leading Weibo authors has exceeded 1 million, of which the number of high-V users is close to 80,000. At the same time, the average number of original videos posted on the platform and the number of long-form posts on the platform reached 1.5 million and 700,000, respectively. The number of original topic-based posts surged 52% year on year to 7.3 million.

Large-scale V and growth in activity

In terms of content composition, Weibo covers various content formats such as text, images, videos, and live broadcasts, providing hundreds of millions of users with a diversified value platform for information acquisition, knowledge transfer, and exchange of views, and continues to attract content authors to join.

Over the past year, under the impetus of relevant policies such as the “V Creation Center”, “V Light Project”, vertical content support, and MCN support, high-quality content writers received more incentives, and the number of leading authors continued to grow. As of August, the number of leading authors with more than 20,000 followers or more than 100,000 monthly readers on Weibo exceeded 1 million, an increase of 25% over the previous year. Among them, the number of Big V users with more than 500,000 followers or more than 10 million monthly readers was close to 80,000, an increase of 30% over the previous year, maintaining a faster growth rate.

In addition to the increase in the number, the activity of Weibo's top V users also continues to increase. In August of this year, Big V users posted an average of 18.8 microblogs per person per day, including 5.5 original blog posts, of which about 1.9 were videos, a 50% increase over the previous year. At the same time, Big V users pay more attention to community operations to improve the exposure efficiency of their content in the information flow by enhancing fan interaction. In August of this year, 45% of Big V users have already started a fan base, with an average of 15 speeches per person per day, and the number of interactions increased by 60% over the same period last year. Furthermore, the coverage rate of Weibo hyperposts about Big V users increased to 37%, and the number of hyperposts reached 12,000. On average, Big V users posted 1 post in related superstories every day.

The number of video accounts opened exceeds 500,000

With the fissionist communication characteristics of social media and cross-field interaction among people with different interests, Weibo provides a huge space for imagination for video writers to build influence across the network and achieve success. Therefore, a large number of external video writers have joined Weibo. Nearly half of the Big V users added to Weibo in the past year were Video Big V users.

In July of this year, the Weibo video account is scheduled to be officially launched. Within two months, it will launch more than 500,000 videos, including more than 5,000 video accounts with 1 million fans. It is expected to reach 10,000 by the end of the year. At the same time, more than 15,000 video authors have already received revenue, and video ad shares have reached 21 million. Recently, Weibo will also launch small video process sharing and share incentives for video accounts to post graphics.

Take @左拆家 as an example. The author has posted multiple videos on other platforms before but hasn't been able to “make a big splash”. On Weibo in July, he used the topic #原来部队的生活这么有意思 #登上热搜,当日视频播放量破千万,开博23天即收获百万粉丝。 on Weibo Furthermore, @曹导 recorded her experience as a takeaway rider. Since the VLOG was launched, the number of views has risen by more than 40 million, becoming a public issue and receiving attention from all circles. The total number of readers on related topics has exceeded 1.2 billion.

Combining hot topics and content IP to create videos to achieve cross-field communication has become an important guarantee for external video writers to “get out of the circle” on Weibo. Since the beginning of the year, @我是郭杰瑞 has continuously updated 31 issues of the Overseas Anti-epidemic Diary and 7 US election videos, and the number of fans has grown to 2.43 million. It is worth mentioning that video writers on Weibo and external websites do not simply sync videos; instead, they post graphic microblogs, and actively interact with fans through private messages, super chat, and fan groups to quickly accumulate social assets and achieve better content dissemination results.

It will greatly improve the ability to split advertising

Weibo is still an important monetization platform for content authors based on social assets. It provides various monetization methods such as advertising endorsements, ad sharing, e-commerce, and paid subscriptions, etc., and the monetization scale is constantly increasing.

It is estimated that by the end of 2020, Weibo KOL advertising endorsements will reach 300,000 authors, with a turnover of 2.22 billion yuan, an increase of 150% over the previous year. Currently, the Weibo V+ membership content payment business has covered 8,000 content authors, and the revenue flow is close to 300 million, an increase of 62% over the previous year. In terms of e-commerce, with the launch of Weibo stores, Weibo has once again improved the infrastructure of social e-commerce. Currently, there are more than 500,000 authors who have opened small stores, and the supported product base includes Taobao,Jingdong,PinduoduoMainstream e-commerce platforms, including SaaS service providers such as Youzan and WeChat Store, are expected to increase the conversion efficiency of e-commerce content by 30% during the year.

In addition, Weibo has formed a complete distribution system based on content traffic. It is estimated that 110,000 content authors will receive 210 million ad shares in 2020, doubling over the previous year. The Weibo plan is to significantly increase the platform's advertising sharing capacity within the next three years, increasing the amount of shares and subsidies in both blog posts and videos. It is estimated that the annual share amount will reach 1 billion dollars by 2023.

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