
美股异动 | 中国陶瓷(CCCL.US)盘初涨近4%,上半年净亏损同比降低

Changes in US stocks | China Ceramics (CCCL.US) rose nearly 4% at the beginning of the session, and net loss for the first half of the year decreased year-on-year

智通财经 ·  Oct 9, 2020 21:48

The Zhitong Finance App learned that at the beginning of the US stock market on October 9 (Friday), the stock price of China Ceramics (CCCL.US) rose until 21:46, up 3.74%, at a price of 2.22 US dollars.

The company's revenue for the first half of the year was 39.8 million yuan (RMB, same below), down 77.6% from the previous year; gross profit was 900,000 yuan, compared with 15.3 million yuan in the same period last year; bad debt expenses were 101.8 million yuan; and 193.9 million yuan for the same period last year. The company's net loss was 111.5 million yuan, and it recorded a net loss of 193.2 million yuan in the same period last year; basic and diluted loss per share was 40.82 yuan, and loss per share for the same period last year was 96.69 yuan.

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