

Ma Yun's wife was revealed, and the background was amazing! Without her, there would be no Alibaba...

腾讯新闻 ·  Oct 5, 2020 04:31

Original title: Ma Yun's wife is exposed, the background is very amazing! Without her, there would be no BABA. Source: Tencent News

Source: good articles in China

As the saying goes: behind every successful man, there is a great woman. If you marry a good wife, you will be 1/3 successful in life!

Zhang Zetian, a Tsinghua graduate, has been keen on various investments since he married Liu Qiangdong, attended high-end brand banquets and spent a lot of money on advertising in Jingdong province.


Lin Ning, wife of "national father-in-law" Wang Jianlin and chairman of Lin Investment Group. The illustrious family background has also brought convenience to Wang Jianlin's career.


Today, I would like to introduce a woman who is different from Zhang Zetian and Lin Ning. She is Ma Yun's wife, Zhang Ying.

The same woman behind the boss, Zhang Ying does not have the high education of her sister in milk tea, nor does she have Lin Ning's illustrious family background, nor does she like to appear in public, and there is very little information about her online.

But it is such a woman, but can make Jack Ma determined!

If we say that without son, there would be no Jack Ma, then without Zhang Ying, there would be no BABA.


1. Give Jack Ma his savings to start a business

Zhang Ying, a native of Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province, met his brother Jack Ma when he went to Hangzhou normal University. After graduation, he married Jack Ma immediately. When he was young, Jack Ma was skinny, had no money and no power, and lived a very simple life on a meagre teacher's salary.

A stable and comfortable job could not stop the aspiring Jack Ma, so he resigned, became an English club, worked as a salesman, and opened a translation agency called Haibo in Hangzhou. The profit of the translation agency is 200 yuan a month, but the rent is 700.

In order to maintain, Ma Yun carried sacks to Yiwu and Guangzhou to buy goods, selling flowers, gifts, and clothing. He worked as a peddler for three years and kept a translation agency for three years.

In 1995, Jack Ma started his business as the China Yellow pages, and the promotion was rejected everywhere, and everyone thought he was a liar. In the same year, he summoned 23 friends to talk for three hours in his rough room, saying that he wanted to do something great. In the end, he only got a vote, which was cast by Zhang Ying.

In this case, Jack Ma suddenly wanted to pool 500000 yuan to do e-commerce sites. Jack Ma soon found 16 people to hug into a group, including his colleagues, students and friends.

Jack Ma told you that putting all the spare money together is likely to fail, but if it succeeds, the return will be unimaginable.

Ma Yun advised Zhang Ying that if they were an army, Zhang Ying would be a political commissar, and only with Zhang Ying would everyone feel safe. In this way, Zhang Ying also resigned, 18 people set foot on a boat-BABA.


No money, no background, no connections, how can this start a business? Jack Ma was very distressed. Just then, Zhang Ying stepped forward, took out her savings of 6000 yuan, borrowed money from relatives, and gave it to Ma Yun, so that he could rest assured to start a business.

During the start-up, Zhang Ying has been in charge of the company's internal office, in addition to cooking for employees, she is also responsible for sending e-mails to customers.With the support of Zhang Ying, later Telecom bought shares in China Yellow pages, and Jack Ma earned the first bucket of gold!

Many people are puzzled, Zhang Ying such a beautiful girl, how can take a fancy to the scrawny Jack Ma?

But Zhang Ying doesn't care about people's eyes. "Jack Ma is not a handsome man," she said. "what I like is that he can do a lot of things that handsome men can't do:Set up the first English corner in Hangzhou, earn extra money as a tour guide for foreign tourists, take classes everywhere and do part-time jobs, and at the same time become the top ten outstanding young teachers in Hangzhou. "

2. Resign and go home to teach your husband and son.

In the inconspicuous semifinished house of Lakeside Garden, Jack Ma and his friends began a six-month closed-door construction under very difficult conditions.

The work in the founding period was day and night. Jack Ma had any ideas. He made a phone call and had a meeting at home 10 minutes later. Jack Ma's mouth full of B2B, C2C, search, community and other professional terms Zhang Ying can not understand, but Ma Yun and their meetings will be very busy.

Ma Yun holds meetings during the day, Zhang Ying cooks in the kitchen; Ma Yun holds a meeting in the middle of the night, Zhang Ying cooks midnight snacks in the kitchen, Zhang Ying works as a handyman under the false position of political commissar.

Before there is no profit, each person has a salary of 500 yuan per month, which is not enough to buy vegetables. If the family's "canteen" wants to ensure the opening of parties, the quality of midnight snacks for overtime meetings must be guaranteed.

Zhang Ying was supposed to be a good teacher, so she became a mother who paid for her meals.

After suffering for more than a year, Zhang Ying asked Ma Yun how much money we have earned now. Ma Yun held out a finger to show Zhang Ying."10 million?" Jack Ma shook his head: "100 million?" Jack Ma still shook his head and told Zhang Ying, "1 million." "so little?" "every day. The profit is 1 million a day now, but in the future, it will become a tax of 1 million a day. "


Later, when BABA was about to succeed, Zhang Ying chose to quit for the sake of her family. At that time, she was the general manager of BABA's China Business Department. A lot of people cried when they made this decision.

Before, because they were busy starting a business, Jack Ma and Zhang Ying sent their 4-year-old son to the nursery and threw them away for five days before picking them up at the weekend. When the child is in his teens, because no one cares, he especially likes to soak in Internet cafes.

Jack Ma educated his son, but the child was so disobedient that he even blurted out his complaint: "you are not at home. I am bored alone when I come back. I might as well stay in an Internet bar!"

That night, husband and wife discussed countermeasures, and Jack Ma said to Zhang Ying:"you resign. Our family needs you more than BABA now. If you leave BABA, all you need is a salary, but if you don't go home, your son will go bad in the future. You can't get back any money. Your son is the same as money. Which one do you want?"


The couple reached an agreement that the family was still important, so Zhang Ying withdrew from BABA.

After resigning, Zhang Ying officially opened her son's obsession with the game, perhaps because the child felt the love of the family and slowly faded out of the online game.

At that time, it was time for online games to make money. Shanda and NetEase, Inc both launched new games. According to Jack Ma's style, he will not miss any opportunity to make money.

But Jack Ma simply did not do online games, he said at the board of directors: "I will not invest a penny in online games, I do not want to see my son indulge in the games I do!"

From then on, Jack Ma worked hard and had no worries, because Zhang Ying kept the family in good order.

3. A position that no one can replace.

After Zhang Ying quit, BABA became bigger and bigger.

In 2007, BABA's B2B business was listed in Hong Kong. Zhang Ying was not listed on the list of eight major shareholders.

In 2014, BABA listed in the United States with 28 partners in the prospectus, also without Zhang Ying.

If you accompany me in the worst years, you deserve to have my best years!


Today, Jack Ma's empire is getting bigger and bigger, Taobao has changed people's consumption habits, and Alipay has changed people's way of life, especially the introduction of borrowing and spending, which has made the handlers experience Jack Ma's good!

Years later, BABA's success and Jack Ma's achievements also proved that this woman's choice and uncomplaining support was correct.

Just imagine, if this woman strongly opposed and kept complaining when Ma Yun made every choice, or when Ma Yun began to be BABA, this woman did not resign, did not support or complain, would there be BABA today?

The greatness of a woman is that no matter whether the man around him is successful or not, as long as the man has a dream and works for it, he will support him unconditionally, accompany him silently, and take care of everything.

And the man's responsibility is that no matter what setbacks hit, do not give up their correct dream, prove to her, and take good care of her!

If Jack Ma has a wife like this, what does his husband want?

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