
恒大尾盘涨近20%报19.74港元 近4个交易日涨幅超50%

观点地产网 ·  Sep 30, 2020 16:15

Opinion Real Estate Network News:September 30th, as of 4:05 closing time,China EvergrandeAt one point, it rose nearly 20%, and the final closing price was HK$19.74.

According to Opinion Real Estate News Media, Evergrande, which is currently in a debt vortex, ushered in a series of benefits yesterday. Today's stock market opened higher and moved higher. At one point, it rose nearly 20% at the end of the session. The final closing price was HK$19.74, up 19.64%, and the market value was HK$257.863 billion.

In fact, since the news about “Evergrande's application for help” appeared last week, its stock price performance has been declining. At one point, it dropped to HK$13 on September 25, then quickly rebounded to today's HK$19.74. The increase from its lowest point to today's closing price reached 51.8%.

Yesterday, China Evergrande Group issued an announcement stating that the company plans to decentralize the listing of Evergrande properties on the main board of the Stock Exchange and has now submitted a listing application form to the Stock Exchange.

More importantly, China Evergrande is already in talks with strategic investors holding a total of 130 billion yuan of Evergrande real estate.

Among them, strategic investors holding a total of RMB 86.3 billion in Evergrande Real Estate signed a supplementary agreement, making it clear that the strategic investors have agreed not to request a repurchase and continue to hold Evergrande Real Estate interests, and that the equity ratio in Evergrande Real Estate remains unchanged; discussions have been completed with strategic investors holding a total of RMB 15.5 billion in Evergrande Real Estate, and such strategic investors are going through approval procedures. Evergrande is in talks with the remaining strategic investors holding a total of 28.2 billion yuan of Evergrande Real Estate.

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