

新浪科技 ·  Sep 30, 2020 14:19


According to reports,applesEpic Games and Epic Games recently told the judge in charge of the antitrust dispute between the two parties that they did not want the case to be tried before a jury and that they wanted the judge to decide on his own.

Game developer Epic Games and iPhone maker Apple recently submitted a joint statement to District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers (Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers) in Oakland, California. The statement stated that Apple will withdraw its request for a jury trial in the counterclaim.

Judge Rogers suggested during Monday's hearing that a jury trial might be more appropriate because the jury's ruling is unlikely to be overturned in the appeal, and because the jury trial can better examine the arguments of the two companies in front of the general public, that is, whether there is an illegal monopoly on the operation of Apple's app store.

Epic Games is the developer of the hit game Fortnite. The company claims that Apple violates antitrust laws by requiring developers to only provide mobile apps through Apple's app store and preventing users from directly paying developers in in-app purchases.

Instead, gamers must use Apple's payment system to make in-app purchases, and Apple will charge a 30% “Apple tax” on the purchase price. Apple argues that there is no illegal monopoly in this, because the “Fortnite” game is also accessible on many other platforms, and Apple's control over which apps can be accessed on iPhones and iPads is also aimed at protecting the security of devices.

Previously, Epic Games secretly added a “patch” to the “Fortnite” game update to allow users to bypass Apple's payment function. After Apple discovered it, the developer was removed from the App Store. The judge is considering whether to force Apple to re-list the Fortnite game with Epic's direct payment option in the App Store.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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