
美银:看好世茂(00813)、旭辉(00884) 分别予目标价40及8.3港元

智通财经网 ·  Sep 30, 2020 15:57

The Zhitong Finance app learned that according to a report published by Bank of America Securities,China Evergrande (03333)On September 29, it was announced that an agreement had been reached with some of Evergrande Real Estate's strategic investors. Currently, at least two-thirds of investors have agreed not to request a repurchase and promised to continue holding shares. The results of the negotiations are better than the bank's expectations.

The bank believes that investment under the new agreement will no longer have new profit requirements for Evergrande Real Estate. The incident has had a positive impact on the domestic housing industry, and is expected to help stimulate the recovery of Evergrande and the industry's stock prices. Among domestic housing stocks, Bank of America tends to be optimistic about private housing companies such as Shimao (00813) and Xuhui (00884), targeting prices of HK$40 and HK$8.3, respectively.

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