
直击大选 | 如何成为美国总统?

Straight to the election | How to become President of the United States?

富途资讯 ·  Sep 29, 2020 18:23  · Exclusive

The 2020 US election will officially begin on November 3, and the referendum will decide the candidate for the new US president. The contest will take place between incumbent President Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden, after which two vice presidential candidates, Pence and Harris, will debate on October 7. the second and third debates between presidential candidates will be held on October 15 and 22.

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The presidential election in the United States is held every four years, and the electoral system is complex and the process is long.

So, how do you become a president of the United States?


The prerequisites for becoming president of the United States:

  • First of all, if you are aAn American-born citizen

  • Second, you have to have enough."mature"-- at least 35 years old.

  • Finally, you will live in the United States.Long enough-- 14 years.

If you meet the above necessary conditions, you can enter the primary.

Primary (primary)

  • Voters in each state vote for the presidential candidates they support and also vote for delegates to the national conventions of the parties.

  • Each party in each state allocates the number of delegates to each presidential candidate according to the voting results of the voters, and the party representative must promise to support the designated presidential candidate.

bigSource: NetEase, Inc News

The National Congress determines the final candidate.

Each party will hold a three-day national Congress, and the candidate supported by more than half of the party representatives will be nominated as the party's only presidential candidate.

General election (universal suffrage)

People in every state in the country vote for a president and a vice president.When people vote, they are actually voting for a group of electors.

You may be a little confused to hear this. Never mind! It is explained in detail below.


The Electoral College finally elected the president.

The president of the United States is not directly elected by voters by one person, one vote. The real decision is the so-called electoral college system. "college" refers to the people elected by the voters to elect the president and vice president. That is,Voters elect the Electoral College, which finally elects the President.

  • The number of electors in each state roughly reflects the size of the state's population. There are 538 electors in the United States. California has the largest number of voters-55-while in some sparsely populated states, the number of voters can be as low as three. Each elector represents one electoral vote, andA presidential candidate needs to win a majority of the electoral votes-270 or more-to be elected president.


Source:, the number represents the number of votes, and the name of the state in English

  • Generally speaking,The states will put all the electoral votesAll vote for the winner of the state's voters. For example, if a Republican candidate wins 50.1% of the votes in a Texas referendum, he will get all 38 electoral votes in that state.

  • Only two states (Maine and Nebraska) allocate electoral votes based on the proportion of votes each candidate receives in their own state.

  • That's why.The main targets of presidential candidates are those specific "swing states"The states where both sides are likely to win in the referendum-rather than trying to win as many voters as possible across the country.Each state won brings them one step closer to the goal of 270 electoral votes.

Swing states are also known as Battlefield States (battleground state). The so-called "swing" means that these states often swing between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, which is not fixed, and it is also a battleground in the general election, and the competition is very fierce, so it has a reputation as a "battlefield." Generally speaking, Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, New Hampshire and Iowa are often classified as swing states.

Finally, after the election of the new president and vice president, the inauguration ceremony will be held in January of the following year, achieving the ultimate goal of becoming president of the United States.


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