

Unicom has begun layoffs. What is most anxious about is this group of people

腾讯新闻 ·  Sep 29, 2020 06:46

Recently, a copy of Hengshui in Hebei Province has been circulated on the Internet.UnicomAboutMeasures for the examination and withdrawal of front-line posts in the market lineIt's a notice.






The object of this assessment method isEmployees of outsourcing companiesThe quitting employees are determined according to the number of posts and the ranking of comprehensive assessment scores.


Due to the epidemic and the development pressure of the communications industry itself, whether operators will usher in a wave of layoffs has always been a concern for employees.

Large global telecom operators outside Asia cut more than 48000 jobs in 2019, using automation, outsourcing and other cost-cutting measures to reduce the size of their workforce, according to data. For example, under the impact of the epidemic, American communications operatorsAT&T IncIt also closed 250 business halls and targeted mass layoffs of about 3400 people at staff levels, including executives, managers and union representatives.

Compared with foreign operators, the current situation of the three major operators in China is not optimistic. In the early stage of the development of the industry, operators rely on demographic dividends to maintain the growth of their income and profits by expanding the number of users. But when the market gradually began to saturated, the old road has been impassable, new growth points have not emerged, the development of the industry as a whole began to stagnate or even decline.


In this case, layoffs can be said to be the most direct way for operators to get out of trouble. In recent years, the three major operators have begun to reduce labor costs and maintain the development of the industry. From 2016 to 2019China TelecomThe number of employees decreased from 287076 to 284206; the number of China Unicom employees decreased from 253724 to 243790.China MobileThe number of employees fell from 460647 to 459152.

This figure only represents the number of people who choose to leave operators and does not explain why they left the industry. Some people say that they have got a better job-hopping, some say it is a normal replacement of retired employees, some say they can't stand the operators being forced out, and others say they can lay off staff as soon as possible so that they can leave with compensation.

Judging from some previous documents, the dissuasion of operators is usually aimed at outsourced personnel and labor dispatch. In order to strengthen market competition and reduce operation and maintenance costs, many front-line outlets and maintenance services of operators are outsourced. when the industry begins to be depressed, these outsourcing personnel are the first to be abandoned. Subcontracting and leaving contracts are also a kind of layoffs in disguise, and many old outsourced employees who have worked in operators for more than ten years or even twenty years have no choice but to accept their fate except helplessness and sighing when they are persuaded to quit.

In fact, the problem of operators themselves is not the large number of people, but with the changes of the times, the business is constantly evolving and reformed, but people are still old. What employees did ten years ago is not much different from what they do now. There are only so many posts, a radish and a pit, the old employees do not leave, and the young strength cannot be replenished, while it is very difficult for the old employees to keep up with the thinking and pace of the new era, thus forming a vicious circle. Enterprises have no fresh blood to promote development, and can only leave a group of people with outdated thinking to stick to the iron rice bowl of "state-owned enterprises."

This is also the difference between operators and Internet companies. Internet enterprises can lay off whoever they want according to their individual abilities and business needs, and hire high salaries when they need talents, and flexible personnel management mechanisms encourage employees to improve their work efficiency; but operators simply do not have the strength to do so. Operators, as state-owned enterprises, internal staff mobility is small, must maintain stability, the cost of formal workers is too high, can only cut labor dispatch to reduce costs.

However, if the problem of internal friction is not solved and the rigid system is not optimized, there is no point in laying off more people. What operators need to consider is whether a large number of redundant personnel can give full play to their own value, or whether the development of enterprises needs to sink together with the old management system.

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