
埃森哲发布2020财年财报 全球营收达443亿美元

Accenture Announces FY2020 Financial Report with Global Revenue of US$44.3 billion

钛媒体 ·  Sep 28, 2020 12:45

Original title:AccentureFinancial results for FY2020 were released, with global revenue reaching 44.3 billion US dollars


Titanium Media reported on September 28. Recently, Accenture released its financial report for fiscal year 2020. In FY2020, Accenture's global revenue reached 44.3 billion US dollars; diluted earnings per share was 7.89 US dollars, up 7% year on year; operating profit margin reached 14.7%, up 10 basis points year on year; and new orders reached 49.6 billion US dollars in FY2020, a record high.

(Article source: Titanium Media)

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