

China Merchants Bank (03968.HK) Singapore and Luxembourg branches plan to issue US dollar bonds. Investors meetings will be held starting today

久期财经 ·  Sep 21, 2020 09:04

Jiuqi Financial News, China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., “China Merchants Bank” for short, 03968.HK, 600036.SH,Moody's: A3 stable; S&P: BBB+ stable; Fitch: BBB+ stable) The Singapore branch will issue Reg S, 3-year, floating interest rate bonds, and the Luxembourg branch of China Merchants Bank plans to issue Reg S, 3-year, fixed interest rate bonds, and is expected to issue A3 (Moody's) rated.

The above bonds will be made up ofDongfang Huili and J.P. Morgan Chase acted as joint global coordinators, joint bookkeepers, and joint sustainable structure agents, while Bank of China, Citigroup, CMB International, and China Merchants Wing Lung Bank acted as joint global coordinators and joint bookkeepersThe Hong Kong branch of Agricultural Bank, BNP Paribas, CCB International, ICBC (Asia), KGI Asia, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, OCBC Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank will hold a series of conference calls for fixed income investors starting September 21, 2020.

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