

Imperial Commercial Bank of Canada raised its gold and silver forecast: next year, the average price of gold is $2300 and that of silver is $32.

汇通网 ·  Sep 18, 2020 20:24

Imperial Commercial Bank of CanadaRaise the forecast of gold and silver: the average price of gold and silver will be $2300 and $32 respectively next year.

Commodities analysts at ① Canadian Imperial Commercial Bank (CIBC) have raised their gold and silver forecasts for the rest of this year to 2021.

② analysts said they expected gold to average around $1925 in the third quarter. Analysts say the average price of gold will rise to $2000 in the fourth quarter.

③ they also predict that gold prices will average $2300 in 2021, $2200 in 2022, $2100 in 2023 and $2000 in 2024.

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