
影院复工后上座率上限调高至75% 阿里影业(01060)应声涨逾3.5%

凤凰网港股 ·  Sep 16, 2020 14:57

Phoenix News Hong Kong Stock | The maximum occupancy rate of cinemas after resuming work has been further raised from no more than 50%. Yesterday, on the 15th, the China Film Distribution and Screening Association released the latest “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of the Prevention and Control of Film Screening Venues (Third Edition)”, which clearly stated in the “Audience Entry and Exit Management” section that the attendance rate for each show should not exceed 75%.

Alibaba Pictures (01060) rose 3.57% to 1.16 yuan; IMAX China (01970) rose 3.4% to 12.16 yuan.

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