

联交所--披露易 ·  Sep 10, 2020 19:36

Original title: 01060 -- Alibaba Pictures: Voting results of the annual shareholders' meeting held on September 10, 2020 Source: Stock Exchange -- Disclosure

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited are not responsible for the content of this announcement, make no statement about its accuracy or completeness, and clearly state that they are not responsible for any losses arising from or reliance on all or any part of this notice.

(Limited company incorporated in Bermuda)

(Stock code: 1060)

Poll Results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on September 10, 2020

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the resolution contained in the notice was officially passed by shareholders by voting at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on September 10, 2020.

Reference is made to Alibaba Pictures Group Limited (the “Company”)'s notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders (the “Company”) dated July 29, 2020 (the “Annual General Meeting”) (the “Notice”) and the Company's circular dated July 29, 2020 (the “Circular”). The terms used in this notice have the same meaning as defined in this circular, except where the context indicates otherwise.

Voting results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

The Board of Directors (“Directors”) of the Company (“Board of Directors”) is pleased to announce that the ordinary resolutions (“Ordinary Resolutions”) and special resolutions (“Special Resolutions”) (collectively, “Resolutions”) contained in the notice have been officially passed by the Company's shareholders (“Shareholders”) by voting at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on September 10, 2020. Details of the voting results relating to the resolutions presented at the annual general meeting of shareholders are as follows:

Ordinary resolution votes (%)

For and against

1. Review and adopt the Company's audited consolidated financial statements, board reports, and auditor reports for the year ended March 31, 2020. 15,635,569,494 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%)

2. (i) (a) Re-election of Mr. Meng Jun as an executive director of the Company. 15,592,947,444 (99.68%) 49,992,050 (0.32%)

Ordinary resolution votes (%)

For and against

(b) Re-election of Mr. Li Jie as an executive director of the Company. 15,592,947,444 (99.68%) 49,992,050 (0.32%)

(c) Re-election of Mr. Xu Hong as a non-executive director of the Company. 15,420,876,145 (98.58%) 222,063,349 (1.42%)

(d) Re-election of Ms. Song Lixin as an independent non-executive director of the Company. 15,642,859,494 (99.99%) 80,000 (0.01%)

(e) Re-election of Mr. Chen Zhihong as an independent non-executive director of the Company. 15,465,663,485 (98.87%) 177,276,009 (1.13%)

2. (ii) Authorize the Board to determine directors' remuneration. 15,640,761,443 (99.99%) 2,178,051 (0.01%)

3. Reappointed PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Company's auditor and authorized the Board of Directors to determine his remuneration. 15,642,939,494 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%)

4. General authorization is granted to directors to issue additional securities of the Company not to exceed 20% of the total number of shares issued on the day this resolution is passed. 14,615,710,134 (93.43%) 1,027,229,360 (6.57%)

5. General authorization is granted to directors to repurchase shares up to 10% of the total number of shares issued on the day this resolution is passed. 15,641,269,694 (99.99%) 1,669,800 (0.01%)

6. Add the number of shares repurchased under the general mandate to repurchase shares to expand the general license relating to the issuance of the Company's securities. 14,621,706,961 (93.47%) 1,021,232,533 (6.53%)

7. Approval was granted to increase the authorized share capital of the Company from HK$7,500,000,000 (divided into 30,000,000,000 shares of HK$0.25 per share) to HK$9,500,000,000 (shares of HK$0.25 per share) through the addition of 8,000,000,000 additional shares. 15,624,199,996 (99.88%) 18,739,498 (0.12%)

Special resolution in favor and against

8. Approve and confirm proposals to amend the Company's bylaws. 15,632,460,945 (99.93%) 10,478,549 (0.07%)

*The full text of the resolution is contained in the notice.

Since each ordinary resolution received more than 50% votes in favor and the special resolution received more than 75% of the votes in favor, all resolutions were formally passed by shareholders as ordinary resolutions and special resolutions (as applicable) at the annual general meeting of shareholders.

On the date of the AGM, the total number of shares issued was 26,832,115,210 shares, which is equivalent to the total number of shares granted to shareholders the right to attend the AGM and vote for or against all proposed resolutions. No shares grant shareholders the right to attend the annual shareholders' meeting but are required to abstain from voting in favor of the proposed resolution in accordance with section 13.40 of the listing rules, and no shares require shareholders to abstain from voting on the resolution proposed at the annual shareholders' meeting in accordance with the listing rules. No shareholder is subject to any voting restrictions when voting on any proposed resolution at the annual shareholders' meeting, and no person has indicated in the circular that they intend to vote against the proposed resolution or abstain from voting at the AGM.

Zhuojia Secretary Trading Co., Ltd., the Hong Kong Stock Transfer Registration Branch of the Company, was appointed as the auditor to count votes at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Representative of the Board of Directors Fan Luyuan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alibaba Pictures Group Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong, September 10, 2020

As of the date of this announcement, the members of the board of directors include executive directors Mr. Fan Luyuan, Mr. Li Jie and Mr. Meng Jun; non-executive director Mr. Xu Hong; and independent non-executive directors Ms. Song Lixin, Mr. Tong Xiaoyi, and Mr. Chen Zhihong.


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