
美国400大富豪四分之一来自加州 其中44位出自科技业

A quarter of America's 400 richest people are from California, 44 of which are from the technology industry

新浪财经 ·  Sep 9, 2020 11:13

On this year's Forbes list of the 400 richest people in the US, the richest people from California accounted for a quarter, an increase of one place over last year, reaching 100 places, 27 more than New York State, which ranked second. The total worth of these 100 millionaires in California reached 815.5 billion US dollars, which is also equivalent to about a quarter of the total worth of the 400 millionaires in the US (3.2 trillion US dollars).

Technology continues to drive unrivaled wealth creation, with 44 of the 100 richest Californians accumulating wealth from consumer apps, hardware, cybersecurity, and venture capital, more than any other sector.

The riches of California's top six richest people are all linked to technology, including Zuckerberg (worth $85 billion), who ranked third on the overall list, and Jobs' widow, Lauren Powell Jobs (worth $16 billion).

Of the 18 richest people on the list this year, 5 are from California, and 2 of them are from Silicon Valley. They are video conferencing software giantsZoomYuan Zheng, founder of (worth $11 billion), and a cybersecurity companyFortinetChairman and CEO Ken Xie (Ken Xie).

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