
数码通(00315.HK)料5G iPhone推出将带动表现 与爱立信合作具成本效益

AAFN ·  Sep 2, 2020 17:59

Digitalcom Vice Chairman and Executive Director Feng Yulin said while attending the results conference that the company's 5G andEricssonThe cost benefits of cooperation are relatively good. It is estimated that this year's capital expenditure will exceed 0.6 billion yuan, and the next year will be at about the same level. The capital expenditure for 2020-24 is estimated to be similar to that of the past five years. Feng Yulin pointed out that it also took a lot of time to select the supplier. She believes that the company and Ericsson are long-term partners, and that the other party also regards the company as a flagship project in Asia, so that Digitcom 5G can achieve good cost efficiency, and emphasized that the company is very satisfied. He added that only a few months after the launch of 5G, there was a good response, and Digitcom also conducted roadshows in many shopping malls. It was discovered that many customers are interested in 5G, and customer performance has already exceeded the original estimate. He added that 5G not only has a better gaming experience and internet speed, but also has many applications. For example, it will also be smoother when broadcasting on ZOOM. He also pointed out that it is estimated that the 5G iPhone will be launched in October or November. Currently, customers have promised to use 5G, so I think this is a good signal. Meanwhile, Lin Baotong, head of the marketing and sales department, added that the company has many iPhone customers, which is estimated to help drive 5G customers in the second half of the year. It is hoped that 5G customers will drive ARPU. Feng Yulin revealed that the company will step up efforts to promote 5G home broadband at the end of September, with a monthly fee of 148 yuan. She noticed that 20-25% of households in Hong Kong face the problem of expensive or slow broadband costs, mainly because their place of residence does not have optical fiber services or only a single operator provides services. For these customers, companies will promote solutions at attractive prices and cooperate with 5G routers. Users only need to plug in the router to use it. The speed can reach 400Mbps, which is enough to handleNetflix 4K or watch YouTube clips, etc. Asked if she would sell, Feng Yulin responded as the executive director of SHKP, that the company has confidence in Digitcom, believes there is potential business, and has no intention of selling or selling it. (el/u) ~Astark Financial News Website:

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