
直播预约 | 经济复苏进行时,该担忧还是信心?

Live streaming reservation | Should I worry or confidence as the economic recovery progresses?

富途资讯 ·  Aug 12, 2020 11:51  · Trending

The first half of the year was magical: black swans put stocks and bonds on a roller coaster, and local central mothers injected liquidity and detonated the market again. China has entered the path of economic recovery, while the United States on the other side of the ocean is still struggling in the quagmire of risk aversion. What kind of investment opportunities will this "unbalanced" recovery bring to the second half of the year?

Tonight (August twelfth) 19:00Yi Fangda will interpret these questions with Niuniu on the spot:

1. when the economic recovery is going on, will it bring worry or confidence?

2. How to judge the trend of the bond market in the second half of the year?

2. Why is it suitable for the layout of high-yield bonds in the second half of the epidemic?

3. How do ordinary investors seize the investment opportunities?

Guest introduction

Mr Cai Shaojun

Yi Fangda, fixed income investment manager in Hong Kong and global bond strategist, has 12 years of industry experience and rich experience in overseas bond markets, including US credit bonds, euro credit bonds, emerging market sovereign and corporate dollar bonds and global bank capital bonds.

Viewing mode

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Interactive questioning

This live broadcast has also prepared an interactive exchange session for you. If you have any questions about market investment, you can ask questions directly at the bottom of this post. High-quality questions will be directly answered by live guests in the live broadcast!

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[Niu Tu Lun Dao]YesRich way elephant wealthA series of live interviews held by a number of fund companies invited ace fund managers to bring the hottest market interpretation to Niuniu and reveal the latest investment trend! This week's activity review will be sent to you.

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