
博华太平洋(01076):被起诉员工已离职 公司未遭美国司法部起诉

Imperial Pacific (01076): The sued employee has left the company and has not been sued by the US Department of Justice

智通财经 ·  Aug 5, 2020 20:57

Bohua Pacific (01076) issued an announcement. The company took note of the letter's article on August 5, 2020. After making all reasonable inquiries, the board of directors hereby clarified and determined that one of the persons sued by the US Department of Justice was a former employee of the group, not a management member. The employee left his job in 2017. According to information, the incident involved situations such as MCC International Saipan Ltd., one of the group's contractors, being accused of hosting illegal expatriates in 2016. The group has not been prosecuted by the US Department of Justice for such incidents.

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