
传8月赴美上市 小鹏汽车:不评论市场传言

Rumor has it that Xiaopeng Motor will go public in the US in August: no comment on market rumors

新浪科技 ·  Jul 31, 2020 14:30

Sina Technology News reported on the afternoon of July 31 that in response to the IFR report that Xiaopeng Motor plans to go public in August, Xiaopeng Motor said in response to Sina Technology that it would not comment on market rumors.

According to today's news, Xiaopeng Motor plans to launch an IPO of at least 700 million US dollars in the US as early as mid-August. Bank of America, Credit Suisse, andJ.P. MorganThe matter is being managed.

Prior evidence36According to reports, Xiaopeng Motor is close to secretly submitting IPO documents to the US stock market and plans to raise 500 million US dollars. The overall listing plan is expected to be from July to September this year, and it has already hired J.P. Morgan Chase,Goldman SachsOther investment banks. Among them, J.P. Morgan Chase is the main underwriter. Gu Hongdi, vice chairman and president of Xiaopeng Motor, was the chairman of J.P. Morgan Asia Pacific Investment Bank.

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