
奥克斯21.3亿夺宁波江北宅地 溢价率14%

观点地产网 ·  Jul 30, 2020 17:10

Original title: Oaks won the premium rate of 14% for residential land in Jiangbei, Ningbo with 2.13 billion yuan Source: Opinion Real Estate Network

Opinion Real Estate Network News:On July 30, Ningbo sold a parcel of land located in Jiangbei with a total land area of 66,800 square meters. In the end, Ningbo Shengxin Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Oaks, won the plot at a price of 2.13 billion yuan, with a premium rate of 14.08%.

According to Opinion Real Estate News, the plot is located in the start-up area of Yaojiang New District in Jiangbei District. It has a total land area of 66,800 square meters, a floor area ratio greater than 1 and less than 2.24, and a planned construction area of 149,600 square meters. The nature of the plot is residential land.

The starting price of the plot was 1,868 million yuan, and the starting floor price was 12,500 yuan/square meter. After 161 rounds of bidding, in the end, Ningbo Shengxin Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Oaks, won the plot with a transaction price of 2.13 billion yuan, equivalent to a floor price of 14,300 yuan/square meter, with a premium rate of 14.08%.

According to the concession documents, the plot was sold under the “limited housing price and competitive price” method. The average sales price of commercial residential rough plots of land was not higher than 29,800 yuan/square meter, and the maximum sales unit price of commercial residential rough land was not higher than 34,300 yuan/square meter.

Furthermore, the bidding unit must own the entire commercial service area of the plot and shall not transfer it for 15 years from the date of initial registration after completion and acceptance of the project. It must be equipped with a hotel with a construction area of not less than 20,000 square meters on the ground.

On the same day, Ningbo's Haishu District sold 1 parcel of residential land. In the end, after 164 rounds of bidding, Zhejiang Poly Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Poly) competed for a total price of 3.17 billion yuan. The floor price was 25,540 yuan/square meter, and the premium rate was 27.70%. The plot is HS17-04-05a and HS17-04-09a in the Yinfeng area of Haishu District. The number is Yongchuo No. 2020-073, with a concession area of 50,164 square meters, a floor area ratio of 2.47, and a construction area of 12,4022 square meters.

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