
深圳茂业商厦拟发行6亿公司债 用于偿还金融机构借款

Shenzhen Maoye Commercial Building plans to issue 600 million corporate bonds to repay loans from financial institutions

观点地产网 ·  Jul 30, 2020 17:05

Opinion Real Estate Network News:On July 30, Shenzhen Maoye Commercial Building Co., Ltd. announced that the company plans to publicly issue 2020 corporate bonds (first issue) to qualified investors, with an issuance scale not exceeding RMB 600 million (including 600 million yuan).

There are two types of current bonds. The term of the first type is 2 years, and the issuance scale is no more than 300 million yuan (including 300 million yuan); the second type has a term of 3 years, and the issuance scale is no more than 300 million yuan (including 300 million yuan).

The first day the bond was issued was August 3, 2020, and the starting interest date is August 4, 2020. The interest payment date for Type 1 bonds is August 4 of every year from 2021 to 2022, and the principal payment date is August 4, 2022; the interest payment date for Type 2 bonds is August 4 of every year from 2021 to 2023, and the principal payment date is August 4, 2023.

The principal underwriter of the bond and the trustee manager of the bondFirst Venture SecuritiesUnderwriting Sponsorship LLC. According to China Securities Pengyuan's comprehensive assessment, the issuer's credit rating for the current issue of the bond is AA, and the credit rating for the current bond is AAA. The rating outlook is stable.

After deducting the issuance fee, all of the funds raised in this corporate bond will be used to repay loans from financial institutions.

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