

Counting days to count earnings? This article takes you through the fund redemption rules

富途资讯 ·  Jul 31, 2020 16:34

People can not eat a mouthful to become fat, fixed time and three meals a day in order to have a good body. The same is true of financial investment, the accumulation of compound interest is a gradual process, we have talked about so many fixed investment theories and skills, how to start setting investment?

It's common now.Channels for buying fundsIt is roughly divided into three categories:

1. Purchase funds underwritten by banks through banks

two。 Buy directly through the fund company's website.

3. Purchase funds sold on consignment through third-party platforms on the Internet

One of the most convenient is the Internet consignment platform, the well-known platforms are Tiantian Fund, Ant Wealth, Futuo Niuniu, etc., which are very convenient to operate, easy to use, and often have a lot of preferential activities. Let's take Futuo Niuniu as an example:

Be sure to take four steps.

1. First, download the Futuo Niuniu APP and enter the "Fund Management" entrance on the "account opening" page.

two。 Click "Open account now" and you can start to choose the fund suitable for you to start investing.

3. Select fixed investment

4. Fill in the investment information and complete the plan.

Please remember the time when you apply for or redemption

When we trade funds, we must know when to buy and when to start calculating returns, so as to ensure our own interests.

FirstThere are prescribed time and rules for fund trading.:

After buying the fund on T day, the share will be confirmed on T + 2, and the income will be calculated, and the first income on T + 3 will be accounted for. The proceeds are returned to the account on a daily basis.

In the case of weekends and holidays, the income will be postponed to the next trading day.

Note: t is the trading day, with 12:00 every day as the limit, T day before 12:00, and Test1 day after that. Weekends and statutory holidays are not trading days.

For example: suppose a rich way fund wealth management fund set up a trading day at 12:00, then the purchase before 12:00 on Monday is regarded as the order on Monday, and the purchase after 12: 00 is regarded as the order on Tuesday.

Let's take a stock fund as an example:

Redemption processIt is also similar:

T-day redemption, T + 5 to the account to the securities account. After arriving at the account, you can trade stocks, subscribe for new shares, exchange money and withdraw cash.

Due to the fluctuation of net worth, you need to bear the fund profit and loss on the day of redemption.

Note: t is the trading day, with 12:00 every day as the limit, T day before 12:00, and Test1 day after that. Weekends and statutory holidays are not trading days.

However, it is worth noting that for different types of funds, the duration of "redemption" is inconsistent. In general, the redemption time of monetary funds is the shortest, followed by bond funds, and the redemption time of equity funds is the longest among the three.

0 rate fund is chosen at will

The purchase of funds and redemption funds will produce corresponding fees, although the rate is generally low, but the long-term accumulation is not a small amount, can not be ignored. Futu Fund currently implements a 0-rate mechanism, that is, free purchase and free redemption.

(1) purchase fee

When we buy the fund, we need to pay a purchase fee, the professional term is the purchase fee, the current industry standard is 1.5% of the total amount.

For example, if you spend 10000 yuan to buy this fund and deduct 1.5% of the purchase fee, the amount you actually buy is 9850 yuan, which means you need to spend 150 yuan on the purchase fee.

10000-10000 X 1.5% RMB9850

Calculated on the basis of 1.5% handling fee, if you invest continuously for 10 years, you will have to spend more:

10000 X 1.5% X 10 = 1500

Even if the fund increases by 5% a year, you will still have an increase of 1900 yuan in ten years, which is not a small sum, so let's not underestimate the purchase expenses saved.

Here is a small tips: rich way fund financial management now the fund redemption fee is free, can save a lot of money for investors.

(2) redemption fee

Similar to the expenses incurred by the purchase, the redemption fund will also incur expenses, which should be paid attention to when trading. (third-party platforms often have promotions, so there are often discounts to varying degrees.)

These are the specific operations of the fund and the places that need to be paid attention to when applying for purchase and redemption. investors must understand clearly the costs that may be generated by purchase to protect their own rights and interests.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Although we strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, and originality of all such content, we cannot guarantee it.
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