

Netflix and MediaPro have reached an agreement to cooperate to broadcast Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 games next season

36氪 ·  Jul 30, 2020 12:55

Original title: Netflix and MediaPro reach an agreement to cooperate to broadcast Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 games next season Source: 36

36 Krypton learned that according to the “Team” report, the US streaming company Netflix has reached an agreement with the Spanish media company MediaPro to broadcast Ligue 1 starting next season. The service will be officially launched on August 17, and the subscription fee is 30 euros per month, which includes Netflix's TV membership. In terms of games, the service will include 8 Ligue 1 games and 8 Ligue 2 games per week. In addition, users will also enjoy the Champions League and Europa League games.

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