
海鸥股份(603269.SH):海鸥亚太收购 TCT 60%股权完成股权变更手续

Seagull shares (603269.SH): seagull Asia Pacific acquires 60% stake in TCT to complete equity change procedures.

格隆汇 ·  Jul 27, 2020 19:10

603269.SH announced that Seagull cooling Technology (Asia Pacific) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Seagull Asia Pacific"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, purchased 60% of TRUWATER COOLING TOWERS SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as "TCT") in cash at a transaction price of 32.4 million ringgit (about 53.7002 million yuan). Upon completion of this acquisition, TCT will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Seagull Asia Pacific.

Recently, TCT has completed the equity change procedures in Malaysia and obtained the change documents. After the change, Seagull Asia Pacific, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, holds the equity of TCT100%.

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