
共和党准备新一轮刺激计划 美财长关注重点是“孩子和就业”

The Republican Party is preparing a new round of stimulus plans, and the US Treasury Secretary focuses on “children and employment”

新浪财经 ·  Jul 21, 2020 02:15

Beijing, July 21 (Xinhua) US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Monday that the core of the next round of anti-epidemic relief plan will be to get children back to school and workers back to work.

Mnuchin, who could play a key role in a new round of bipartisan stimulus bill negotiations, met with US President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at the White House to try to finalize the Republican plan in the face of firm opposition from Democrats. Democrats say Republicans are more likely to help businesses than to save people struggling with the spreading epidemic.

Mnuchin told reporters that the focus is on children and employment. But he didn't provide many details. In addition to the unspent money from the previous stimulus package, Republicans "start with another $1 trillion. We think this will have a significant impact. "

Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, also attended the meeting. He told reporters on Capitol Hill that the Republican Party's initial proposal would include a payroll tax cut. This is Trump's core demand, despite the lukewarm response from some Republicans and opposition from Democrats. The plan will also include another round of direct handouts to individuals, he said.

The Republican plan to be drafted this week already faces opposition from Democrats, and any stimulus bill needs Democratic support to pass Congress.

Before the White House meeting, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer wrote to his Democratic colleagues that McConnell supports protecting companies from coronavirus-related lawsuits in the reopening of the economy. it is to provide legal immunity to companies and nursing homes that are dereliction of duty.

Schumer says Democrats must stick together, just as they did when the relief bill was passed in March.

There are huge differences between Republicans and Democrats, and there are some differences of opinion within the Republican Party.

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