
影视板块走弱 金逸影视跌停

The film and television sector weakened, and Jin Yi Film and Television fell to a standstill

格隆汇 ·  Jul 17, 2020 09:39

Glonghui, July 17丨The film and television sector weakened, Jin Yi Film and Television fell to a standstill, Lugang Culture and Hengdian Film and Television fell more than 9%, Beijing Culture fell more than 8%, and Wanda Film and Television, Shanghai Film, etc. plummeted one after another. Yesterday, the National Film Administration issued the “Notice on Promoting the Reopening of Cinemas in an Orderly Way Under the Normalization of Epidemic Prevention and Control”, which stipulates that low-risk areas can resume opening and operating in an orderly manner on July 20, provided that all prevention and control measures for cinemas are effectively implemented. However, compared to the normal situation, the current policy loosening still has large restrictive measures, which are too far from the spring when the film industry recovers. At present, it seems that short-term policy loosening will not bring substantial profits, and leading theatrical film companies will still be under pressure in the future. Industry insiders expect that it will take at least two years for the entire film and television industry to recover.


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