
科华恒盛:与腾讯云签数据中心合作协议 金额11.7亿元

Kehua Hengsheng: signed a data center cooperation agreement with Tencent Cloud amounting to 1.17 billion yuan

证券时报e公司 ·  Jul 16, 2020 20:52

Original title:Kehua Hengsheng: A data center cooperation agreement was signed with Tencent Cloud amounting to 1.17 billion yuan Source: Securities Times · e-Company

According to e-Company News, Kehua Hengsheng (002335) announced on the evening of July 16 that the company recently signed a “Tencent Customized Data Center Cooperation Agreement” with Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (“Tencent Cloud”). Tencent Cloud will build its own park data centers across the country and other places. The data centers will be built using Tencent T-block technology. The two parties signed annual framework agreements for the construction of data centers in some of their regions. The company agreed to build and deliver computer rooms according to the agreement, and the IDC computer room service period is ten years. According to the agreement, the estimated total amount during the service period is about 1.17 billion yuan.

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