

Investment Guide - What exactly are leveraged ETFs and ETNs? Can I vote?

富途资讯 ·  Jul 10, 2020 10:43

For a novice in US stocks (or a novice in any market), the first thing to do after entering the market is not to select good targets, but to learn how to mine, and to know which targets are absolutely untouchable. But many novices do not have this way of thinking. They bring a lot of money into this casino just to make a lot of money. Let me take a look at some of the best tickets today in order of rise and fall. As a result, countless people are killed on leveraged ETF every day, every month and every year. In fact, not only the US stock market, the domestic securities market has also appeared similar leveraged ETF products.

What are leveraged ETF and ETN?

ETF (exchange traded funds)As we all know, exchange-traded funds are the cornerstone of the wealth of the middle class in the ideal of world harmony. After understanding the type of securities such as ETF, it seems that leveraged ETF is not very difficult to understand. Some people will say that this is not double or triple to magnify the profit or loss of the indicators tracked by ETF (benchmark).

That's exactly where it went wrong. One of the most common misunderstandings about leveraged ETF is that if the index rises (or falls) by 10% this year, then my triple leverage index ETF will rise (or fall) 30%, and the peak of life is not a dream.

Let's talk about it later, without misunderstanding, let's first give a definition of leveraged ETF:

Lever ETFA fund that uses derivatives or debt leverage to magnify positive or reverse investment gains and losses for an index. The common leverage ratios are 1.5X, 2X and 3X, and there are often twins who are long and short.

The so-called derivatives here, in most cases, refer to futures contracts (futures) and swaps (swap), while the so-called magnified gains and losses here refer to the proportional magnification of today's gains and losses, rather than most of the daily gains and losses, let alone annualized gains and losses.

As for the low-end version of ETF--ETN (exchange traded notes)Is easily confused with ETF

ETN is essentially an unsecured senior bank bond. Like ordinary bonds, ETN has a maturity date and is only "guaranteed" by the credit of the issuing bank.

So this kind of bond without principal protection is extremely risky. If the issuing bank goes bankrupt, ETN will follow the path of senior bond bankruptcy. Many ETN can blend into the ETF with a vest, for example, many investors want to copy the bottom oil, oil = OIL, so they copy the ticket OIL; they think OIL is ETF, but OIL is ETN.

What is the principle of leveraged ETF?

One of the important mechanisms of leveraged ETF is the dailyRebalance (rebalance)Because only by rebalancing can tomorrow be a new day and we can continue to achieve our goal of doubling our daily returns. If there is no rebalancing, it will be a mess.

At its simplest, instead of talking about futures or swaps, let's take a user-friendly chestnut that everyone can understand:

Rebalance of leveraged ETF

Let me ask you a question: what would be the easiest way to create a leveraged ETF to achieve twice the daily return of the S & P 500? It's simple. Borrow money, double it.

For example, my ETF has a net worth of 100 yuan, and I want to track twice the performance of the index on that day, so I will borrow another $100 and put that $200 into SPY, so my exposure is 200. The next day the index rose 10%, and my ETF net worth of double leverage increased by 20 to 120, so if I kept the 100 I had borrowed, my exposure would become 220, and my exposure would no longer be twice my net worth. If the index rises by another 10% on the third day, my net worth will be 142, and the return on my net worth on that day will be 18%, less than twice the increase in the index that day. It's all messed up.

So I have to rebalance, borrow another 20 before the start of the third day, increase my exposure to 240, to fulfill my commitment to investors. Of course, in practice, rebalance is completed through futures or swap contracts, and the implementation cost of one issue a day is quite considerable. Apart from the cost of taxes and fees, if you use futures contracts, the fund will also have contango losses (decay). As I mentioned in my previous article, when futures rise, you always buy high and sell low when you roll over the contract, resulting in losses.

What is the correct posture for leveraged ETF?

For the average retail investor, my advice is just two words: don't touch it. Please call me Bodhisattva. I have the heart of universal living beings.

So if someone or an institution tricks you into "investing in so-and-so through leveraged ETF"-- such as "laying out the crude oil market through UWTI". It's like a milk shortage ten years after you buy fresh milk and put it in the sun. It is true that there is a shortage of milk ten years later, but your milk has turned into black-hearted milk.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If you are an experienced investor, there are several situations in which you might consider picking up this hot dragon fruit knife.

1. Hedging risk.For example, the UK will vote to leave the European Union tomorrow, and your stock position is very heavy. As a risk averse, you want to hedge against possible market volatility. But just buy SH and you feel that hedging is not strong enough, then you can consider buying SPXS hedging for a day or two of market risk. If you lose money after that, you will be entitled to pay the insurance premium.

2. If you watch the sky at night and firmly believe in a certain market or trading variety (oil, gold … ) will appearShort-term continuous unilateral trendThen you can buy leveraged ETF to magnify your potential gains. But I personally think that no one can "firmly believe" the future evolution of complex systems such as the market or oil and gold, and if so, nine times out of ten it is an illusion.

3. If you have a lot of research on a fund, you can accurately calculate the break-even points mentioned above and various possible costs, that is, you canAccurately calculate the lossAnd you are willing to bear the cost in order to invest in the target, then go for it.

For the last time, for retail investors, my advice to leveraged ETF is just two words:Don't touch it. There will be a lot of people or institutions to fool you, Amway. Your leveraged ETF product is a shortcut to getting rich. Don't believe it. Even if you only read these two sentences in this article, if you listen to it, my article will not be in vain.

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