
马斯克:特斯拉(TSLA.US)已非常接近L5级别自动驾驶 今年内完成基本功能

智通财经 ·  Jul 9, 2020 13:57

The Zhitong Finance app learned that today (9th), at the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Musk said that Tesla (TSLA.US) is already very close to L5 level autonomous driving and is confident that it will complete basic functions within this year.

Musk said that the company has already developed a special chip. The chip is equipped with a dual-system fully autonomous driving computer. The chip has eight bits and accelerators for click calculation, and artificial intelligence includes a lot of click computation.

Therefore, based on the hardware currently installed by Tesla, Musk believes that only software improvements are needed to achieve L5 level autonomous driving.

In fact, Tesla prudently launched the second chip system only a few months ago, and it may take at least a year to make full use of the fully autonomous driving system.

According to reports, according to the level of autonomous driving technology, the L5 level is fully automated and can be adapted to any driving scenario. Currently, it is still restricted by law, technology, etc., and no agency can fully implement it.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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