
马化腾:加大新基建投入 腾讯华东总部扎根上海

新浪科技 ·  Jul 9, 2020 12:21

Sina Technology News, July 9, midday news, that the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Cloud Summit opened today.TencentMa Huateng, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of the group, did not come to the scene due to his physical condition, but he still spoke remotely in the form of a video. He said that Tencent will continue to increase investment in new infrastructure, and that Tencent's East China headquarters will also be rooted in Shanghai.

“Artificial intelligence itself is a multinational and interdisciplinary exploration. It is driving human cognition faster, higher, and stronger, and is bound to bring us an unprecedented technological and industrial revolution.” Ma Huateng said, “Our unknown about new technologies such as artificial intelligence is still greater than is known, so Tencent incorporates technology for good into the company's mission and vision. The new technology we research and apply every day is ultimately responsible for users. If we want AI to be good, we must strive to make artificial intelligence known, controllable, usable, and reliable.

Ma Huateng also said that next, Tencent's East China headquarters will be further rooted in Shanghai to accelerate investment in new infrastructure. (Zi Jian)

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